Members of the clergy serve in an official capacity for a religion and can administer a church or parish, supervise other participants, and recruit new members. They may also be supervised by higher positions in a hierarchical order. Their responsibilities vary depending on the type of religion and clergy, and some may or may not be married. Nuns are considered clergy in some religions and can serve in various capacities.
Members of the clergy comprise a huge population. A member of the clergy is someone recognized and/or ordained to serve in an official capacity for a religion. When people think about the vast number of religions and sixty of religions, it turns out it is almost impossible to confirm that someone who serves a religion and a capacity to reconcile can do, except for our thermos, the largest possible amplitude, at the mest time he affirms that there are many exceptions to the record. Again I said, sometimes it would be better to suggest some of the coisas that could be feitas.
Some members but recognized by the clergy administram a church, parish or religious activities in a specific local area. Not only can they participate in religious services, but they can also supervise other recognized participants who can perform some of the services. They may be responsible for things such as administering a script, receiving church collections, creating bands, gathering new members, creating education programs or many other things. Many times, supervision extends to those members who may participate in church activities, and a recognized member of the clergy may be responsible for recruiting members to anticipate a variety of jobs.
A member of the clergy, depending on the type of religious structure, can be supervised and respond to people in higher positions. This is especially the case when various religious churches or religious centers have a hierarchical order. The Anglican fathers can specify responder to the order of the Anglican bispos, and administrar uma igreja can mean administering it to the side of a group of outras igrejas, all supervised by the bispo.
The members of the clergy can outwardly employ less time for business and more to serve their religious community. Majority of the fathers, rabinos, ministers and imãs can be housed with two pessoas and certify that a house is owed, and there are other sacred religious devotees that reconciled religious figures can be made. It is possible to include visits to teachers, clubs or circumstance and to confer funds of other types. Precisely what a certain religious figure can achieve is highly dependent on the type of religion and clergy.
For example, the Catholic deacon can build houses and batisms, but cannot consecrate to the Eucharist. He can give the Eucharist or a service, but is unable to make a complete message. The details of the work of each member of the clergy can be complicated again.
In many religions, members of the clergy can or cannot be married. Some igrejas convidam mulheres ou homens para server en qualquer posição da igreja, e otras extendam posições only per homens. It is interesting to note that as freiras sãoconsideradas clérigos, embora usually tenham responsabilidades subservientes àqueles homens concedidos. Open the field to avail the mulheres clérigas that we act like freiras returns to different coisas. Freiras de religiões variadas servem em muitas capacidades, embora não puòm serve as a father in catholicism; they may be highly trained and worked as professors, nurses or doctors, or in other ministries in which they are called or designated.