Halal fish is any fish that is permitted to be eaten according to Islamic law, which requires the fish to be caught alive and the blood to be drained. The Quran emphasizes respect for animals and prohibits consuming animal blood.
“Halal” is a term in Islamic law that refers to any object or action that is permitted to be used or partaken of, so halal fish would refer to any fish that is permitted to be eaten. This law comes from the Islamic religious text, the Koran. Any type of fish with scales is considered halal and therefore allowed. Halal fish could come from salt water or fresh water.
There are many places in the Qur’an where seafood and fish are mentioned. Al-Ma-ida speaks of water features, a reference to food found in the oceans, and An-Nahl refers to people who are associated with the sea being able to take produce from the water. So Fatir is mentioned both fresh and marine water, as well as deciding that people can eat meat from both.
Halal fish must be caught while still alive. If the fish is found dead, it falls under Islamic law which prohibits eating animals that have been found dead and is therefore prohibited. This only refers to catching fish. Halal fish can be bought already cooked or processed fish, but adding certain ingredients or flavorings would make everything prohibited. Anyone looking to buy halal fish should check the ingredients of the fish against a halal ingredients list to determine if the fish can be eaten according to Islamic law.
The Quran teaches that all animals should be treated with respect and should be well cared for. When the animal is killed, it should be subjected to the least amount of pain and suffering. To be halal, the blood must be drained from the animal, because Muslims are prohibited from consuming animal blood. Any fish must also be subject to these rules to be considered halal fish. A practicing Muslim must strictly follow this guideline, and if in doubt as to whether fish is halal, it should be avoided.