JavaScript is a scripting language used to add dynamic content to web pages. It can create user interfaces, validate forms, and calculate dates and times. It is often used in conjunction with HTML and runs on the client-side. There is also a server-side version called node.js. JavaScript was developed by Netscape in 1995 and is influenced by C, C++, Scheme, and Self. It is not the same as Java.
JavaScript®, a trademark of Oracle Corporation, is a computer scripting language commonly used to add dynamic, interactive content and functionality to web pages. Examples of popular web page functions that can be created with JavaScript® include user interfaces such as pop-up windows, drop-down menus, and images that change when you hover over them. The most common form of this scripting language is client-side JavaScript®, which runs on a user’s computer, also known as a client computer, rather than on a server. Functions written in this language are often added to the HTML code used to create web pages, and client-side JavaScript® is usually part of the web browser’s environment, which means that the web browser interprets and executes the code. There is also a server side version of this scripting language which has become increasingly popular with the release of faster products such as node.js.
This scripting language is often used to create more dynamic websites than can be achieved using HTML code alone. For example, JavaScript® can be used to add current date and time calculations to a web page or to create a user interface that changes color or other display characteristics based on user actions. It can also be used to validate completed and submitted forms on a web page. Apart from its use on web pages, it is also used for various other purposes including as an application platform for the graphical user interface in some web browsers and as an embedded scripting language in a wide range of applications such as Acrobat by Adobe, Yahoo ! Apple widgets and dashboard widgets.
JavaScript® was developed by Netscape and released in 1995 as part of the Netscape Navigator web browser. This script language conforms to the ECMAScript language standard and is considered a dialect of ECMAScript. ECMAScript is a client-side scripting language standardized by Ecma International, an international non-profit organization that develops and maintains standards for information and communication systems.
The development of JavaScript® was influenced by programming languages such as C, C++, Scheme and Self, and is sometimes referred to as a functional programming language. One reason for this designation is that functions in JavaScript® are first-class, meaning they are treated as objects. This means that functions can be manipulated by various programming commands, such as variables or values. It’s important not to confuse this scripting language with the Java programming language, which was also influenced by C and C++, but is quite different in many respects.