Continuous Inking Systems (CIS) are kits that feed ink to a permanent cartridge via tubes connected to external bottles. CIS saves money and time, provides consistent colors, and is easy to install. It can be used with different types of ink and is compatible with specific printer models.
Continuous Inking Systems (CIS) are aftermarket kits for inkjet printers that feed ink to a special permanent cartridge via tubes connected to external bottles or reservoirs. The cartridge never runs out or needs to be replaced. Instead the ink can simply be added to the bottles when they run out.
The plastic bottles that are part of the continuous ink systems sit next to the printer. There may be four or six (and sometimes 8) bottles depending on the printer model. Each is filled with the appropriate color ink. A tube goes from the bottle cap to the ink cartridge inside the printer. The tubes are tied together in a “ribbon” cord. Kits also include an initial setup syringe for cleaning air hoses and drawing ink.
Continuous inking systems save the user significant money savings in replacement cartridges, which in addition to the cost, are discarded while keeping the ink. Not only is bottled ink cheaper, but all the ink is used up in the end.
Another benefit of continuous ink systems is that the cartridge is always full, always delivering consistent colors that stay consistent no matter the size of the print run. You can spool large runs of photographs or other jobs without worrying about running out of ink. The outer bottles are clear, making it a breeze to refill any colors that might run out, while the bottles hold much more pigment than the cartridges, keeping maintenance to a minimum. One company says the ink bottles last the equivalent of about 39 cartridge changes, while another says the savings would be equal to paying about 53 cents (USD) per cartridge.
Some Epson printers use ink cartridges with an attached microchip that tracks the level of ink used. When the cartridge is depleted to a certain level, the microchip will not allow the cartridge to be used again, even if it is refilled. The Continuous Ink System kits made for these printers have their own write-protected microchip attached to the cartridge. This chip tells the printer that the cartridge is always 100% full, negating the need to change it. The cartridges included in continuous ink systems are purpose-built for longevity.
Reservoir bottles should not be positioned higher than the printer or gravity could cause ink to flood into the cartridge, resulting in incorrect printing. Installing a continuous inking system is very simple and takes only 5 – 20 minutes depending on the type of kit and printer. Does it come with instructions. No permanent changes are made to the printer, which can easily be converted back to use standard cartridges. Some continuous inking systems can only be used with certain types of ink, while others can accept different types of OEM and specialty inks.
Continuous inking systems can be found online using any search engine. Shop around to make sure you have the best system for your needs and that it is compatible with your specific printer model. So enjoy the savings and ease of a continuous ink system and print to your heart’s content!