Catnip, a member of the mint family, is known for its effect on cats, but can also be used to make tea with purported health benefits for humans, including relieving gas, reducing fever, regulating menstrual cycles, promoting healthy sleep, and disinfecting cuts and insect bites. In Europe, it is traditionally used for children and is believed to be a remedy for many ailments due to its mildness. However, its effect on pregnant women is highly debated, and medical advice is strongly recommended before taking the tea.
Catnip originated in Europe, but as of 2011 it can be found growing in North America. A member of the mint family, it is occasionally called spearmint. Although it is primarily known for its effect on cats, research indicates that it may have beneficial properties for humans in the form of a tea. In fact, there are several purported health benefits of catnip tea ranging from relieving gas, reducing fever, and regulating menstrual cycles. Catnip tea is typically made from the leaves, which many people believe work as a relaxant, rather than the root, which is said to work as a stimulant.
In Europe, the traditional uses of tea are for children. Several parents use catnip tea to prevent hives and reduce fever in their children. It is also often used to lessen the effects of measles and chickenpox. Catnip is often used to relieve gas, and it is so effective that some parents use catnip tea to help relieve colic in babies. In fact, in many European countries, catnip tea is often a remedy for many ailments in children due to its mildness.
The tea is widely used for its gastrointestinal benefits, as it is a gastric stimulant. Helps relieve gas in adults and combat diarrhea and constipation. Due to the antimicrobial properties of catnip, several people believe that catnip tea helps move infections and food through the intestinal systems more efficiently. At the same time, the tea helps to relax the internal muscles and is believed to soothe the system.
Many women use catnip tea to relieve menstrual cramps, but it can also help regulate cycles if used regularly. The tea is often used to stop many other pain related to menstruation. Catnip can also cure morning sickness. However, its effect on pregnant women is highly debated, so medical advice is strongly recommended before taking the tea.
Research also indicates that there may be several other health benefits of catnip tea. It is frequently used to promote healthy sleep and cure insomnia, as well as to help with anxiety. Used in the form of a tea, catnip can also treat severe migraines. Several people also claim that it can help with asthma, bronchitis, and allergies. When the tea is applied to the skin, it can also disinfect cuts and help with insect bites.