Qigong healing is based on the concept of qi flowing freely through the body, but sometimes it becomes blocked. A qigong healer can help by moving the qi, and can also teach individuals to practice qigong for their own benefit. The healer learns to control their own qi and detect blockages in others, using techniques to treat various conditions. Qigong healing has few side effects and can be physical, mental or spiritual, but should not be used as a sole treatment for serious conditions. It is important to find a reputable healer or training program.
Qigong healing is based on the Chinese medicine concept that life force energy, known as qi, flows through the body smoothly and freely. Sometimes various conditions can cause qi to become blocked or stagnant. A qigong healer will assist the patient by performing treatments to move the qi, which allows the patient’s body to heal itself. Qigong can also be practiced by individuals for their own benefit.
In Chinese medicine, the body has energy channels that run through the front and back. Certain areas of the body, known as dan tiens, are qi centers. For optimal health and well-being, qi must flow freely through channels and centers. Some factors that can cause qi to become blocked or unbalanced are weather, diet, and injuries.
A qigong healer has learned to control his own qi, and this is usually done through a series of exercises that encourage the qi to be accumulated by the healer. The healer will also have learned to sense the flow of qi in others and to detect blockages or imbalances. She will have learned techniques and protocols that she can use to treat various conditions or illnesses. Qigong healing techniques can include breaking down any qi blockages, dispelling excess qi, or giving qi to a patient who does not have it. Protocols for specific conditions may require a series of techniques performed in a prescribed manner.
Qigong healing practices are ancient and there are many variations. A healer will need to train in at least one of the traditions. Some traditions are quite difficult to learn, and the student may need to dedicate years to study. Other traditions are much easier to learn and require less time. Anyone wanting to become a qigong healer may want to research various training methods and facilities to find a reputable program.
The benefits of qigong healing are that they are comfortable for the patient and have few or no side effects. Healing can be physical, mental or spiritual. Studies indicate the value of qigong healing in treating certain disorders, including depression, chronic pain, and diabetes. No treatment can be guaranteed to cure all conditions, and if a healer claims otherwise, the patient should be alert to a possible qigong healing scheme.
Those seeking treatment should find a qigong healer who has trained with a reputable Master or training center. Ideally, the patient will find a healer with significant experience in qigong healing. Depending on the patient’s disorder, conventional medical treatment may also be advisable.
Real qigong healing can be practiced by individuals for their own use. Patients are able to learn qigong healing techniques and assist in the healing process. Healthy people may also want to learn qigong healing techniques to maintain their physical and mental well-being.