Naturopaths work in private practices, small clinics, and traditional medical facilities, with a focus on general health. They may suggest or provide herbal remedies and alternative treatments, and some also practice acupuncture. Naturopaths can also work as instructors or writers in the field of alternative medicine.
Most naturopathic jobs are the alternative medicine equivalent of general practitioners. Many naturopaths work in private practices or small clinics. Some find employment in traditional medical facilities. Occasionally, the works of naturopaths can be very specific, relating to a single facet of natural healing such as nutrition or acupuncture, but these works are somewhat rare because naturopaths generally focus on general health on a philosophical level. In some cases, a naturopath can find employment writing on the subject of natural healing or even teaching other skills in the field.
A person trained in naturopathy can find employment working in private practice and building a patient group that supports the clinic. These types of jobs with naturopaths are often essentially self-employed and therefore involve significant entrepreneurial skills. There are also small clinics that hire naturopaths to serve an established client base. In either scenario, the naturopath is generally expected to have a wide range of skills and the ability to deal with and diagnose basic health issues.
Naturopaths often make suggestions for herbal remedies or other alternative treatments, but they may also provide these treatments. A naturopath who also practices acupuncture, for example, may be more successful in terms of income. Some naturopath jobs are related to just one aspect of alternative medicine, but these are rare as there are other non-naturopaths who specialize in just those areas. A person with a naturopath degree has a broader specialty and most people choose to work using the entirety of their training.
Some basic traditional medical work can be performed by a person with a naturopathic degree. Occasionally, there are jobs in hospitals and other medical facilities that a naturopath will be qualified for. The highest degree a naturopath can achieve is a traditional medical degree, and a person with this qualification will have a much wider range of available jobs. It is even possible to find work by naturopaths that involve an alternative medicine approach supported by traditional medical knowledge.
There are many naturopathic schools available, and these require instructors. It usually takes a significant amount of experience and prestige to teach others naturopathy, but a degree is not necessarily one of those qualifications. Some people with qualifications in alternative medicine find employment writing about naturopathy and related subjects in magazines and books. Research in naturopathy is not as well defined as it is in other disciplines, but it is sometimes possible to find employment conducting scientific research in naturopathic fields. There are a wide variety of positions directly related to alternative medicine that do not involve practicing patients that can offer full-time employment.