Holistic degree programs focus on natural healing techniques for mental, physical, and emotional health. They include nutrition, naturopathy, psychology, psychiatry, and hypnotherapy, and can be found in both traditional and unconventional educational programs.
There are many different types of holistic degree programs available in both traditional and unconventional educational programs, all of which deal with healing in some form. Nutritional holistic degrees can help nutritionists or nutritionists find a career that focuses on treating not just the body, but the mind and emotions with a healthy meal plan. Holistic degree programs can also focus on the world of medicine, and the terms used to describe natural healers are naturopath or homeopath. Degree programs for therapists such as psychologists, psychiatrists, and hypnotherapists can also specialize in holistic forms of therapy, somewhat separate from the traditional drug model approach to mental health.
Some mainstream universities and colleges include holistic specializations in their programs, helping students focus on developing a career specifically focused on natural and holistic healing. Holistic degree programs usually involve some type of healing profession, whether mental, physical or emotional, and generally revolve around the use of natural techniques that can help promote the health of a patient or another individual. One type of holistic degree program available at some universities and colleges is holistic nutrition or natural nutritional therapy. This career focuses on using the healing power of food and its nutrients to ease a wide variety of minor to moderate health complications.
Naturopaths are doctors who study medicine as well as natural healing techniques such as nutritional therapy and herbal medicine. This type of holistic program usually involves receiving a DE, or naturopathic physician certification, at the end of an eight-year program of medical study. In addition to knowing different types of safer pharmaceutical medicines, naturopathic doctors also get knowledge about meditation, exercise therapy and aromatherapy for their specific type of degree. Some doctors may also specialize in different types of holistic therapies over their years of study; however, most mainstream colleges do not offer a holistic certification for traditional healers.
Other types of holistic degree programs include psychology programs and psychiatric programs, all of which focus on speech therapy. Most psychiatrists can write prescriptions for medications, but psychiatrists involved in holistic programs can also advise natural herbal supplements as alternatives. Certified hypnotherapy courses are one of the most popular holistic programs available to anyone looking to help others move away from a traditional psychology paradigm. Often, hypnotherapy programs can include areas of expertise such as helping with addiction recovery in addition to eating disorders or weight loss.