Constipation in babies can be caused by dehydration, formula, solid foods, or underlying medical conditions. Breastfed babies rarely experience constipation, while formula-fed babies may need to switch formulas. Parents should consult a pediatrician for treatment options.
Constipation in babies is a common condition where babies experience hard, dry stools that don’t pass easily. There are many different causes of constipation in children, depending on their age, eating habits, and overall health. The most common cause is mild dehydration, which can usually be resolved by consuming more water and juices. Babies under four months of age who drink breast milk rarely become constipated, although formula-fed babies are more likely to experience digestive problems. Babies older than four months may experience symptoms of constipation as they transition from liquid to solid food diets.
Breast milk is naturally regulated to ensure babies are getting the right amounts of protein, nutrients and fat. Therefore, it is very rare for a breastfed baby to have digestive problems and consequent constipation. Some types of commercial formula, however, can cause constipation in babies. Formula is generally more difficult for a baby to digest, and most bottle-fed babies have firmer, less frequent stools than breast-fed babies. Passing thicker-than-normal stools less than once a day may be a sign that a bottle-fed baby is suffering from constipation and may need to switch formulas as advised by a pediatrician.
Babies usually start eating solid foods between four and seven months old. It’s very common for children to experience mild constipation during this time period, as their bodies must learn to adjust to a drastic change in diet. Certain baby foods, such as rice cereal, drained bananas and carrots, often contribute to harder stools and constipation. Foods high in dietary fiber, such as prunes, can promote healthy bowel movements as a child’s body adjusts to solid foods.
A baby whose constipation cannot be due to formula or other causes may be the result of dehydration. Infants, children, and adults can become constipated when they don’t get enough fluids. The body tries to compensate for the lack of fluids by absorbing water from the intestines, making the fecal matter hard and dry. When dehydration is determined to be the cause of constipation in children, parents can provide frequent, small amounts of water or juice to restore fluid levels and promote easier bowel movements.
Parents who notice that their child is often constipated should see a pediatrician immediately. Doctors might suggest dietary changes, over-the-counter laxatives, enemas, or stool softeners. Most children recover from symptoms within a week or two, although it is possible that constipation in children is caused by a more serious medical condition, such as hypothyroidism. An expert pediatrician can check the underlying medical causes and suggest the best remedies to relieve symptoms.