High levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) can cause adverse symptoms in women, including hot flashes and infertility. Diet, exercise, acupuncture, acupressure, and stress management can help reduce FSH levels. Medical treatments are also available.
High levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) can cause several adverse symptoms in many women, including hot flashes and infertility. Some women may be able to modify their diet and exercise routines to lower FSH levels. Acupuncture or acupressure and stress management can also help reduce FSH. Women concerned about high FSH levels, however, should speak to their doctors.
FSH is a hormone produced in a woman’s pituitary gland. It is the hormone responsible for the development of a woman’s egg shell, or follicle, when it is released from an ovary. As a woman ages, the number of her eggs decreases, which causes the pituitary gland to produce more FSH. This commonly occurs during menopause, resulting in hot flashes, insomnia, and headaches. This can also happen in some younger women, which can lead to infertility.
Modifying one’s diet can help reduce FSH in some women. Foods rich in iron and vitamin E can help. Wheatgrass and protein can also help. Additionally, some studies show that women who eat less dairy, wheat, and sugar may be more fertile and have a lower FSH.
A regular exercise routine can also help reduce FSH levels. Aerobic exercise, such as walking or running, is generally considered best for this purpose. This type of exercise helps promote healthy circulation. When enough blood is pumped through the body, adequate amounts of FSH are more likely to reach the ovaries. This, in turn, will cause the pituitary gland to produce less FSH.
Some experts believe that acupuncture and acupressure therapy can also help reduce FSH. A licensed therapist can stimulate pressure points which can increase blood flow to the female reproductive organs. These types of therapies, however, usually don’t work for women who have low egg counts or infertile eggs.
Stress management can also lower FSH levels in some women. Because some believe that stress can cause poor blood circulation, women who are more relaxed may have more FSH reaching their reproductive organs. This typically causes less FSH to be produced. Some women may want to try a daily yoga or stretching routine. Deep breathing exercises or meditation can also help.
Most women who have high FSH usually find out from their doctors. In this case, they should discuss their options with their doctors. There may be medical treatments available to lower FSH.
Some medications can affect FSH levels in a woman. Birth control drugs, including oral contraceptives, can increase or decrease FSH in some women. Some medications are also available to help lower a woman’s FSH.