Cholestatic jaundice is caused by obstructed bile flow in the liver, resulting in a buildup of bilirubin in the body. Symptoms include yellowing of the skin and eyes, itching, vitamin deficiencies, and clay-colored stools. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including drug use, infections, and pregnancy. Treatment involves addressing the underlying cause.
Cholestatic jaundice is a condition that causes the skin and eyes to develop a jaundice or yellow appearance due to cholestasis – obstructed bile flow in the liver. Jaundice results from an excessive buildup of bilirubin in the body. Bilirubin is a byproduct of retired red blood cells that is normally transported to the liver. The bile in the liver typically breaks down bilirubin so it can be excreted from the digestive tract with stool. An individual with cholestatic jaundice generally cannot process bilirubin through his or her liver fast enough to keep the substance from building up in the body.
Jaundice can cause annoying itching that also interferes with the patient’s sleep. In many cases, people with cholestatic jaundice and blocked bile ducts experience vitamin deficiencies due to a lack of bile in the intestinal tract. Bile is an important ingredient in the digestion process that releases nutrients, such as vitamins, from digested food.
People with cholestasis may notice that their stools develop a clay-colored or white appearance due to a lack of bile. Unusually dark colored urine, vomiting, and nausea are possible with this medical condition. Pain in the upper right abdominal area has been reported in some cases of cholestasis. Complications of cholestasis can include diarrhea, bone weakening, and organ failure due to sepsis.
Cholestatic jaundice can result from a variety of causes, including alcoholic liver disease, viral hepatitis, and infections that spread through the patient’s bloodstream. In some cases, people who use intravenous (IV) feeding tubes may be at a higher risk of developing cholestatic jaundice. Lymphoma and amyloidosis are medical conditions that can also cause a patient to develop cholestasis. Cholestatic jaundice is typically treated by treating the underlying cause of the condition.
Drug-induced cholestasis has occurred in some patients who use drugs that reduce the flow of bile. Some medications that can cause this condition include penicillin-based antibiotics, anabolic steroids, and oral contraceptives. Patients using these medications may wish to discuss the risk of cholestatic jaundice with a doctor.
Doctors typically have patients have blood tests to monitor bilirubin levels and levels of other substances, such as alkali phosphate. Imaging tests are often useful tools that help identify bile flow obstructions. Doctors may order abdominal computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tests of the abdomen, and an abdominal ultrasound test.
Pregnant women can develop cholestasis of pregnancy during the third trimester of pregnancy. This type of cholestasis typically causes intense itching, especially in the feet and hands. Cholestasis of pregnancy is often dangerous to developing unborn babies and can put the baby at an increased risk of preterm birth or breathing problems during delivery.