Human interface guidelines (HIG) are design documents that specify how the interface of hardware or software should be implemented. They ensure consistency and usability, and can be used by developers to ensure compatibility and functionality. HIGs are important for creating effective user interfaces and are used both internally and externally by developers.
Human interface guidelines (HIG) are restrictions or specifications contained in a design document for building hardware or software that indicate how the interface of these creations should be implemented. The HIG for a particular operating system (OS), for example, sets the standards by which the various windows, windows, screens, and other features are designed. This refers not only to the aesthetic design of the user interface (UI), but also to the interactive features. The human interface guidelines can then be used by other developers working with that hardware or software to ensure proper compatibility and functionality in their user interface development.
Software development often includes a set of design documents used in creating a new program, including human interface guidelines. For example, a company developing a new operating system might create a HIG document that clearly states the different colors used for different windows and messages, as well as icons for closing, opening, and otherwise interacting with boxes and features in the user interface . This document can then be used across the business to ensure that human interface guidelines are being followed and that the final product has a clean, consistent and useful user interface.
The utility of human interface guidelines is central to their importance, as the HIG document is often created to ensure an effective user interface. UI developers often have an educational and professional background in understanding how people interact with different types of software and hardware. A user interface developer’s input on creating HIG documents allows a new program or device to have a user interface that is easy to understand and intuitive for new users. While this may seem like a simple aspect of software design, imperfect or incomplete human interface guidelines can lead to a program that lacks consistency from one area to another or is overly complex to use.
While human interface guidelines are important for internal use within a software developer or hardware manufacturer, they are also often used outside of an enterprise. A company that is developing new software to work with an existing operating system, for example, might use the HIG document for that operating system to ensure that the overall usability of the new software aligns with the features used in the user interface of that operating system. This ensures that multiple utilities and features that may run together, but come from different developers, remain cohesive in the utility and provide users with a single experience on a larger platform. When developing new software and applications available from a single software market, such as those used by mobile devices, the use of human interface guidelines can have a huge impact on the accessibility of the software.