Adenitis is inflammation of a gland or lymph node, which can be caused by bacteria or an underlying condition like cancer. Lymphadenitis causes lymph nodes to become enlarged and tender, while other types affect various glands in the body. Symptoms vary depending on the location and cause, and treatment depends on the nature and progression of the condition.
Adenitis is a condition characterized by an enlarged gland or lymph node. Inflammation can be caused by external factors such as bacteria or it can be indicative of an underlying condition such as cancer. Cases affecting the lymph nodes are usually known as lymphadenitis and this classification contains the mesenteric and cervical subtypes. Various glands in the body can also become inflamed or swollen, causing a number of separate conditions, including: sebaceous adenitis, vestibular adenitis, dacryoadenitis, and sialadenitis.
Lymphadenitis is a form of lymphadenopathy or disease of the lymph nodes. This particular condition causes the lymph nodes to become enlarged and tender. It can result from a bacterial infection, an immunological disease, or a tumor. If inflammation occurs in the lymph nodes in the neck, the disorder is called cervical adenitis. Conversely, swelling of lymph nodes found in the abdomen — typically around the appendix — is known as mesenteric adenitis.
Symptoms of lymph node-related swelling can vary depending on the cause and location. In many cases, particularly in the neck, noticeable lumps can be seen and felt under the skin. Pain, tenderness, and warmth may also surround the affected area. Abdominal inflammation can cause diarrhea and vomiting. Cases caused by tumors can include cancer-related symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, and weight loss.
Two conditions can negatively affect the glands located in the skin and can be facilitated by genetic factors or infections. The oil-producing glands that prevent skin dryness become enlarged when an individual is affected with sebaceous adenitis. Also, the condition generated by tuberculosis bacteria can affect the glands located in the skin of the neck. Skin-related adenitis can be detected by blockage of pores, which leads to irritated skin sores. In some cases, chills and fever may also occur.
Also, the inflammation can occur around the genitals or face area. Lymph nodes in the groin can become inflamed, for example, as can the vestibular glands located inside the female genitalia. The latter condition is characterized by small, painful sores and burning sensitivity and can be a consequence of a sexually transmitted disease. As for swollen glands in the face, the saliva-producing glands in the mouth can become inflamed and cause sialadenitis, while the tear-producing lacrimal glands cause dacryoadenitis.
Treatments usually depend on the nature and progression of the condition. For infectious forms, antibiotics may best relieve symptoms. Conditions caused by a malignancy, on the other hand, would likely benefit from traditional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy. Chronic and advanced inflammation may require the removal of lymph nodes or glands.