Supplement pills add to daily diets and include vitamins, minerals, and herbs. Calcium, iron, and vitamin C are commonly prescribed. Megadosing and herbal supplements can be harmful. Doctors may prescribe supplements and advise on dosage.
Supplement pills are also called dietary or food supplements. These pills, made to be swallowed or chewed, are designed to supplement or add to foods consumed in the daily diet. Some of the many supplement pills available today include herbs, minerals, vitamins, and calcium.
Calcium supplement pills are commonly prescribed by doctors for people who do not consume enough dairy products and other natural sources of nutrients. Calcium is crucial in helping the body maintain strong bones and teeth. Calcium is added to some commercial food products such as fortified orange juice.
There are supplement pills available for almost every vitamin. Vitamin C supplements are taken by people who don’t get enough naturally in citrus foods like oranges and grapefruit. Iron is one of the most commonly prescribed mineral supplement pills. Getting enough iron naturally from food can be especially difficult for vegetarians. Iron in non-animal sources is more difficult for the body to process effectively.
Daily vitamin and mineral supplement pills are made by many different pharmaceutical companies. These are available in adult and children’s formulations and are generally designed to provide the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of vitamins and minerals. Most doctors agree that taking a daily vitamin supplement pill is not harmful, although people should check with their doctor before starting a child or adult supplement pill. During pregnancy, it is especially important to get adequate dietary nutrition; Doctors often prescribe prenatal vitamins that contain folic acid in hopes that women will help prevent birth defects.
Problems can arise when the RDA is exceeded or when using herbal supplement pills. Megadosing occurs when large amounts of vitamins, minerals, or herbal supplements are consumed that far exceed the RDA. Megadosing can harm the body and some herbs can cause allergic reactions in some people. Some people tend to get carried away with taking supplements; Just because they are found naturally on the planet does not mean that large or any number of them are healthy.
Doctors may order laboratory tests to determine what vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, if any, an individual is lacking. Both food sources and supplement pills that contain the necessary nutrition can be prescribed by a doctor, although many supplements are available without a prescription. It is important to get good medical advice from doctors before taking any type of supplement pill, whether it is sold without a prescription or not.