A checkbox is a basic GUI component used in programs and websites to present a user with an option that can be active or inactive. It usually has a binary option, but a more complicated checkbox may provide a third option.
A checkbox is a rather limited form of user input, often used as part of a graphical user interface (GUI). How this box is used varies depending on the nature of a program and the options presented in relation to the box. Typically they are used, however, to present a user with an option that he can choose to have active — on — or inactive — off — through his input. A checkbox will appear as an empty box when the option is off and will have a check mark or “x” when the option is on.
Also called a checkbox, a checkbox is a basic GUI component used in programs and websites. It is common when used in the settings of a GUI that can be adjusted by a computer user or website visitor. The individual settings presented by a computer’s operating system (OS) in relation to what is displayed on a desktop or in a program, for example, they are often adjusted by using a checkbox for each option. It is important to note that checking or unchecking a box does not usually create an action, but that a separate button is often used to make any changes based on the state of a checkbox.
Checkboxes usually have a binary option, “on” or “off”. For example, a person who has been presented with an option to turn on automatic spell checking in a word processing program will be able to check the box to turn the option on or uncheck it to turn it off. This represents a simple checkbox with only two possible states.
A more complicated checkbox, often called a tri-state checkbox, provides a third option. If someone is able to make individual files within a folder inaccessible, this will typically be done by selecting each file and choosing whether or not it should be accessible, a simple binary option. Once the user has looked through the folder as a whole, however, to see if the files are accessible, there is a third possibility: that some files are accessible while others are not. The checkbox for accessibility for the entire folder may therefore need to indicate that it is neither checked nor unchecked in total, and this is often communicated with a shaded box within the checkbox.