Fenugreek tea is an herbal tea made from crushed fenugreek plant seeds. It aids digestion, lowers cholesterol, blood sugar, and increases milk production. It can cause side effects and allergic reactions.
Fenugreek tea is an herbal tea made from the crushed seeds of the fenugreek plant, formally called Trigonella foenum-graecum. Fenugreek leaves and seeds have been common cooking ingredients for centuries, traditionally in spice mixes and curries. Herbalists and holistic medicine practitioners also use the seeds to make a medicinal tea. They believe that the tea can help digestive functions, lower cholesterol, lower blood sugar, and increase milk production in lactating mothers.
The fenugreek plant is native to Southeast Europe and Asia, but is now cultivated throughout the world. The plant produces small white or yellow flowers that grow long pods that look like beans. These pods contain up to 20 seeds each.
One of the most common uses for fenugreek tea is to help increase milk production. Some research indicates that fenugreek consumption can increase breast milk supply in as little as 24 hours, and that the level of milk supply can remain even after stopping the herb. Scientists aren’t sure how this process works. Some believe that fenugreek stimulates sweat production, which also stimulates milk production; others believe that certain phytochemicals in fenugreek, called saponins, are estrogen precursors.
The whole fenugreek seed is extremely fibrous and difficult to digest; For this reason, it has been used traditionally as a laxative. The tea does not contain the whole seeds, but still contains traces of the water-soluble fiber, mucilage. This aids digestion by slowing down the digestive process and allowing nutrients to be more fully absorbed. Slower digestion also means slower absorption of sugar, which can be beneficial for diabetics. Some inconclusive research has been done on fenugreek’s ability to lower LDL cholesterol, particularly in diabetic users.
Fenugreek tea is weaker than whole fenugreek seeds and therefore less likely to produce strong side effects. Some common side effects may include diarrhea, gas, or bloating. It can also cause your skin, sweat, or urine to smell like maple syrup. The tea can also taste strong and unpleasant.
Fenugreek tea can occasionally cause facial swelling or hives, or aggravate asthmatic symptoms. The tea can lower blood sugar, so diabetics should carefully monitor their blood sugar levels and discuss the use of fenugreek tea with their doctor. Being part of the pea family, people who are allergic to peanuts, soybeans, or peas should generally avoid fenugreek.