The allantois is a membrane that helps remove waste and exchange gases in the embryonic stage of mammals, reptiles, and birds. It also helps deliver oxygen in birds and reptiles and develops into the umbilical cord in mammals. The allantois is one of three embryonic membranes that make up amniotes, including dinosaurs. Problems with these membranes can lead to embryo loss.
The allantois is a membrane present in the embryonic stage of mammals, reptiles and birds. The allantoic membrane is designed to help the fetus survive by removing waste from the animal. Both liquid waste and gases used by the embryo are exchanged across this membrane. The allantois contains a network of blood vessels that the animal uses to remove waste products from the body.
Although many different animals have allantoic membranes, they are not exactly the same. In birds and reptiles, the allantoic membrane not only removes waste from the embryo but also helps deliver oxygen. Despite the appearance that an egg shell is solid, it can be permeated with oxygen. The allantois absorbs the oxygen entering the egg and transmits it to the embryo.
Most mammals give birth to live young. In these animals the allantois is an early part of the umbilical cord. In many mammals, the allantois eventually develops into the umbilical cord. In human embryos, the allantois develops as part of the digestive system early in conception. It matures in the umbilical cord, which is responsible for nutrient supply and waste removal.
Animals that have an allantoic membrane are called amniotes. In addition to the allantois, they also have an amnion and a chorion, both of which are embryonic membranes. The amnion is a membrane that protects the embryo from damage during the gestation period. The other membrane that amniotes have in common is the chorion. The chorion is responsible for the transfer of nutrients between the mother and the embryo. This transfer takes place through the circulatory system.
In addition to the reptiles, mammals and birds that make up the group known as amniotes, there was also previously a larger group of animals that belonged to this group. Dinosaur embryos contained allantoic membranes, making them amniotes as well. The allantois, chorion and amnion are formed during the early period of the gestation period. These membranes are a vital part of embryo development. Problems with any of these membranes can lead to a loss of viability of the embryo.