The House Appropriations Committee controls 40% of federal spending, with subcommittees determining funding for various projects. It has the power to set spending limits and is appointed by the Speaker of the House. Created in 1865, it manages government spending and oversees the Ways and Means Committee.
The House Appropriations Committee is a committee established within the United States Congress whose primary purpose is the allocation of funds. Much of the funding for defense, social programs, and even the cost of running the government itself must first be approved by the committee. The House Appropriations Committee is estimated to control about 40% of all federal spending. The number of congressional representatives who serve on the committee varies, but as of 2010, the committee consisted of 60 members.
The United States Senate has an Appropriations Committee that works in conjunction with the House Appropriations Committee. It’s called the Senate Appropriations Committee. Typically, the two committees work together and make decisions together. Both appropriation committees have a dozen subcommittees that fall under their authority. Subcommittees are required to submit funding requests by October 1, which is considered the start of the congressional fiscal year.
The purpose of subcommittees is to determine funding for various projects, however, in many cases, centralized control is held by both the House and Senate senior appropriation committees. Subcommittees must submit their budgets annually to continue receiving funds. Some of the committees answerable to the House Appropriations Committee include those devoted to defense, agriculture, and homeland security. Other important subcommittees concern transport, rural development and education.
Another important power held by this committee is the power to set spending limits on individual projects. Plus, it has the power to raise spending limits at any time. This is especially important during times of national emergency when the need to act quickly could have life-and-death consequences. If necessary, the two Appropriations Committees can act alone, which simplifies the process.
Congressional representatives who serve on the House Appropriations Committee and various subcommittees are typically appointed by the Speaker of the House. Most members who serve on the committee are not permitted to serve on other committees, although some exceptions apply. Earning a seat on an appropriations committee is considered a “plum” appointment, because it puts the representative in the unique position to help channel funds to his or her home district.
In 1865, the United States Congress created this committee to help manage the enormous increase in spending resulting from the Civil War. Prior to its creation, fiscal responsibility in the US government rested solely with another committee called the Ways and Means Committee. The Ways and Means Committee became a sub-branch of the House Appropriations Committee.