Patents protect inventors and their creations, requiring qualified professionals to fill patent analyst positions. Analysts must understand both legal and technical aspects of patents, which vary depending on the type of technology. Patent analysts can help companies investigate potential patent infringement and make business decisions related to licensing and product development.
Patents provide legal protections that allow inventors of new products and technologies to profit from their creations. The complexity of patents and patent systems creates a need for companies, law firms and other organizations to fill patent analyst positions with qualified professionals. These are people who can understand the legal and technical aspects of patents to inform their employers about intellectual property issues related to different products and technologies.
Creating a new technology can take significant investments of money and time in research and development. If a company could simply copy and sell technology developed by another company, it would benefit from the invention without incurring any of the development costs. In this situation, companies that paid to create new technology would be at a competitive disadvantage to companies that simply copied technology that other companies paid to create. When an inventor obtains a patent for a new technology, no one other than the patent holder can sell products that use that technology for a certain number of years. This allows the inventor to profit from the new product, recoup money spent on development, and encourage inventors to invest in developing more new technologies.
Patents spell out certain legal protections, but they are also blueprints that detail the different components of the technology and how it works. Intellectual property attorneys are trained in the legal framework behind patents, but may not have the scientific background to understand the technology that the patent details. Professionals in patent analyst jobs must possess these technical skills to know exactly which technologies the patent protects.
The technical skills needed to fill different patent analyst tasks vary with different types of patents. In the past, patents were focused on mechanical devices, but more modern advances in technology have led to patents covering new drugs, computer software and even specialized genetic material. Patent analysts who study drug patents must have a background in pharmacy or pharmacology, while those working on software patents must have a background in computer science, and analysts who deal with emerging areas of genetic intellectual property often receive training in molecular biology or similar fields.
Patent analyst jobs can include law firm analysts who can investigate technologies to see if they infringe on patents already owned by the firm’s clients. Companies can also use these analysts after mergers and acquisitions. For example, when a company buys another company, it also takes legal ownership of all the patents it owns, and patent analysts can help companies in these situations understand what they have acquired. Companies can also use this knowledge to make business decisions related to licensing these technologies to other companies or to create new products that use the knowledge or methods.