Speed and strength training programs aim to improve overall speed by targeting fast twitch muscle fibers through explosive exercises. Agility is also important, with exercises focusing on both upper and lower body muscles. Examples include sprints, side lunges, and agility drills. Flexibility training is also crucial to reduce muscle pull.
Many physical training programs are designed to build strength or speed. It’s hard to create a program that builds both size and speed because the body is working against itself. Speed and strength training is a combined training program that is very similar to a soccer training regiment. Speed generally requires repetition, while strength requires explosive core exercises.
Speed training is based on fast movements with bursts of power. The speed training drill is designed to improve reflexes and create powerful acceleration. Some examples of speed training include sprints, weaving cones, and rope ladder agility drills. These exercises are designed to build explosive muscles, which help the athlete increase speed and agility.
A speed and strength training program should include weight lifting exercises designed to support explosive power. These are typically compound movements that increase overall core strength. Some good examples of strength training include squats, military presses, dead lifts, and cable crunches. The strength training exercise should target large muscle groups with additional leverage of the core muscles.
The side lunge is an excellent exercise to include in a combined speed and strength training program. Side lunges target the hamstrings, quadriceps, and hips in a way that produces faster side-to-side movement. To perform a side lunge, the athlete jumps into a side squat position, bending one leg while keeping the other leg in a stretched out position.
Speed and strength training is an integral part of improving overall speed. This is because speed is based on the ability of the muscles to react quickly with power over a short period of time. Speed generally uses the fast twitch muscle fibers, which require training routines that focus on acceleration exercises.
Agility is another important aspect for speed and strength training programs. An athlete’s agility is generally measured by their ability to quickly brake, cut, or change direction. There are several agility routines available, each focusing on the upper and lower body muscles.
Some good lower body agility exercises include downhill sprints, basic sprints, and rope ladder exercises. These exercises require the athlete to perform conditioning exercises at an awkward angle. General agility allows the athlete to have more control over their body, which can be used to generate more power and speed.
There are many upper body speed drills available, which help the athlete with hand-eye coordination and general dexterity. These include speed bags, high bouncing ball catches, and ball dodge drills. When working on speed training for the upper body, the athlete should include flexibility training for the shoulders, arms, hips, and waist. This will help reduce muscle pull in your upper body and lower back.