Canning mushrooms requires fresh, edible mushrooms, a pressure canister, and proper preparation and processing times. Freezing may be a better option for smaller quantities. Pickling is also an option for smaller batches using distilled white vinegar and water.
Mushroom canning is a convenient and effective method of preserving fresh mushrooms in large quantities. It’s important to note, however, that canned mushrooms can deteriorate in quality and can make the mushrooms soft and chewy in texture. If texture is a concern or there are less than 8kg of mushrooms to process, freezing may be a better option. Canned mushrooms require the use of a properly functioning pressure canister and pint or half pint storage jars. Proper selection, preparation and processing times are essential for safely storing fresh mushrooms at home.
For starters, you should only choose fresh edible mushrooms, such as those sold in grocery stores, for canning. The most common varieties of canned mushrooms are white mushrooms and brown cremini or Italian mushrooms. Chanterelle, enoki, hen of the woods, morel, oyster, porcini, portabella, shiitake, and wood ear mushrooms are also edible and suitable for canning. Select only the freshest mushrooms – those that are firm, evenly colored and clean – and give them minimal storage time – preferably less than a day – before canning. The mushrooms must be rinsed and dried; large mushrooms should be chopped or quartered, while small mushrooms can be canned whole but should be consistent in size with other mushrooms in the jar. The mushrooms should then be placed in a solution of ascorbic acid and cold water to help maintain the natural color of the mushroom.
Pint or half pint jars are commonly used for storing mushrooms, depending on the amount of mushrooms a person expects to use at one time and the total amount of mushrooms they can. About 8 pounds (3.6 kg) of mushrooms are needed for nine pint jars and about 15 pounds (6.8 kg) for nine pint jars. Quart jars are generally not recommended for canning mushrooms, unless they are being pickled. The cleaned, raw mushrooms are next packed into the hot jars and cover with hot water, leaving a 1-inch headspace. The jars should be processed in a properly functioning pressure vessel at approximately 12kg of pressure for 45 minutes, although the correct pressure should be checked for altitude before starting.
Mushroom pickling is another method of preserving mushrooms. It’s simple and great for smaller batches, because it doesn’t require a full bath load of boiling water. Distilled white vinegar with 5 percent acidity, or 50 grains, combined with an equal amount of water, will pickle small fresh mushrooms.