Civil wars are fought within a nation between different factions, religious groups or powers. They can be destructive and last for decades, with reasons ranging from religious beliefs to conflicts over resources. Many nations around the world have struggled with civil wars, and some have resulted in genocide.
A civil war is a war fought within a nation between different factions, religious groups or powers. Exactly what makes a war “civil” can be hard to pin down; a common definition includes several criteria, including when both sides in the dispute have gained control of territory, created their own governments – however marginal – and have some sort of organized army that carries out regular operations. Furthermore, most people consider a conflict a civil war only when other nations recognize the claims of one or more warring parties. Smaller or less widespread conflicts may be known as insurrections or insurrections, although they certainly have the potential to escalate into war.
Many Americans think of the American Civil War when they hear the term, but in reality, civil wars have marked human societies for centuries. These wars between fellow countrymen can be particularly destructive, undermining a country’s infrastructure and trust. In some cases, such a war could restore the balance of power in a country, while in other cases it could result in a more oppressive government, depending on who ultimately wins the conflict.
Some people like to distinguish between this type of conflict and a revolution or insurrection, arguing that a civil war involves distinct powers or factions. This is in contrast to an insurrection, when ordinary citizens individually begin to unite to oppose the government, usually because they perceive it as unjust. A large-scale insurrection can turn into a revolution, with a violent overthrow of a prevailing government in the interest of the people. In some cases, the aftermath of a revolution escalates into civil war, because various factions may have emerged among the rebels to fight for power.
There are a wide variety of reasons why war may start within a country, ranging from religious beliefs to conflicts over available resources. Civil wars can be swift and highly efficient, like coups, or they can last for decades, often costing thousands of lives and completely disrupting society. In this case, external governments can intervene to stabilize the region, either out of concern about events in the country or because they are dealing with an influx of refugees from the fighting.
Many nations around the world have struggled with civil wars, from Asia to Latin America. In parts of Africa, these conflicts became endemic after the collapse of colonialism, and some continue to this day. Sadly, in some cases genocide has accompanied civil war, as in the case of Rwanda, and many wars also claim large numbers of uninvolved civilians.