To become a pawnbroker, one needs a license, a significant amount of money, a suitable location, and knowledge of valuing items. A background check may be required, and business knowledge is helpful.
A person who wants to become a pawnbroker usually needs a license to get started. Most places have this requirement and impose penalties for anyone who chooses to ignore it. In addition to licensing, a person interested in this business will usually need a significant amount of money to start, a place to conduct his business, and some knowledge of how to value items that people might offer him as collateral for loans. Having business knowledge or even taking some business courses at a local college can also be helpful.
Many locations require potential pawnbrokers to obtain licensing. To do this, a person usually fills out an application provided by the jurisdiction in which he or she plans to work. He will need to provide his full name, address, date of birth and, in some places, a tax document or proof that he has obtained a business license. He may also need to provide information about the business he plans to start, including where the business will be located and what hours the store will be open.
In many jurisdictions, a person wishing to become a pawnbroker must undergo a prior investigation. If he has a criminal record, he may be denied a license. Some places even allow law enforcement officers to object to granting a pawn license to a particular person. For example, law enforcement officers can dispute whether a person is suspected of criminal activity.
Sometimes a company, rather than an individual, will apply for a pledge license. In this case, a company representative may need to provide details such as the company’s name and its principal place of business. He may also need to provide the addresses of other locations maintained by the company. Additionally, everyone involved in running the company may have to undergo a background check. This requirement may be valid even if some managers are not directly involved in running the pawn shop.
In addition to a pawnbroker’s license, a person who wants to become a pawnbroker also needs a suitable place to run his business. A storefront can be a viable option as long as it is in a location that is likely to receive a lot of foot traffic. Additionally, the store should have space for jewelry display cases, as well as shelving and other display arrangements for other types of items.
Since valuing personal property is an important part of running a pawnbroker, a person interested in this field can take classes or read books on valuing valuables. This can be particularly important when dealing with transactions involving jewelry. Learning the basics of running a business can also be helpful for a person looking to become a pawnbroker.