Pus in the mouth can be caused by dental abscesses, throat infections, advanced gum disease, canker sores, and tongue piercings. Treatment may involve antibiotics, warm salt water, and drainage. Advanced cases may require surgery.
Pus in the mouth is often an annoying and disgusting sign of infection. Dental abscesses and throat infections are common causes of pus. Advanced gum disease can also cause pockets of pus to form in the gums. Canker sores can also become infected and pus can drain from these lesions. Some piercings, especially tongue piercings, may also leak a clear or white pus-like liquid and may also become infected.
Dental abscesses, often very painful, are one of the most common causes of pus in the mouth. These can occur when the nerves in a tooth become infected, either from decay or injury. The pus can then become trapped in the infected area.
It is generally recommended to see a doctor to address a tooth abscess. A dentist or other medical professional will often prescribe an antibiotic and may also advise encouraging pus drainage. This can usually be accomplished by holding warm salt water in your mouth. If the abscess doesn’t drain on its own, a dentist can drain it manually, either by making an incision in the gum or by pulling out the tooth.
Some serious throat infections, including strep throat and tonsillitis, can also cause pockets of pus in the mouth, particularly in the back of the throat. These diseases are also usually accompanied by other symptoms, including sore throat, fever and swelling. An antibiotic is often needed to clear these infections. In severe chronic cases of tonsillitis, however, a tonsillectomy may also be performed.
Periodontitis is a type of dental disease that occurs when the soft tissues and bones that support the teeth become infected. This will often cause discomfort, gum recession, loose teeth, bad breath, and mouth ulcers. In the advanced stages of this disease, pockets of pus can also form around the teeth. Dentists often recommend a good oral hygiene regimen, and possibly an antibiotic, to treat these symptoms.
Canker sores can also be a source of pus in the mouth, particularly if they become infected. These are usually superficial painful lesions on the soft tissues of the mouth. The gums, tongue and cheek tissues are usually the most affected areas. These sores usually clear up on their own, but they can become infected and pus can drain from them.
Tongue piercings can also cause pus in the mouth. Some drainage from a tongue piercing is typically considered normal and this drainage will usually be clear to white and sometimes crusty around the tongue jewelry. An infection in a tongue piercing, however, will sometimes result in greenish-colored pus and will often be accompanied by pain and swelling. When treating an infected piercing, people are usually advised to leave the piercing in place. Removing the piercing could cause the outer hole to close, trapping the infection inside the tongue.