Abductor muscles move body parts away from the midline or sagittal plane. They are found all over the body and work with adductor muscles. Strengthening exercises can reduce injuries, especially in the hip area, which is prone to inflammation.
An abductor muscle is any muscle that moves a part of the body away from the body’s midline or sagittal plane: the artificial division that separates the body vertically into right and left halves. This type of movement is known as abduction. The abductor muscles are found all over the human body, from obvious places like the outer thigh to less expected places like the eyeball. They work in cooperation with the adductor muscles, which move body parts toward the midline.
The most basic movement of many parts of the body would be impossible without the work of an abductor muscle. Raising the hand at the wrist, for example, relies on two of these muscles: the flexor carpi radialis and the extensor carpi radialis longus. The length of these muscles reveals the complexity of this apparently simple abduction; both start at the humerus, or funny bone, and end at the metacarpals, or upper hand bones. Raising the arm so that it is perpendicular to the torso is another example of abduction. In this case, two shoulder muscles, the deltoid and the supraspinatus, are responsible for the movement.
In general, the term abductor muscle is commonly associated with the hip area, a site of frequent and sometimes painful injuries for runners and other types of athletes. The so-called “hip abductor” actually comprises a system of muscles: the gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, tensor fascia latae, and piriformis, which work together to abduct the thigh at the hip joint. Injury most often occurs in this area when repetitive abduction of the femur, or thigh bone, causes inflammation of the local bursa sac, a fluid-filled pocket that acts as a cushion between the bone and tendon. Several factors, such as wearing the wrong supportive shoes, training too frequently, or running on uneven surfaces, can contribute to these types of injuries. Weakness of an abductor muscle in the hip area is often the cause of pain in other areas of the leg, such as the knee and ankle.
Exercises to strengthen the hip abductor muscles can help reduce the chance of leg injuries from physical activity. Many of these exercises use a resistance band: a thin circle of stretchable material that is anchored at one end around a stationary object. The foot is inserted at the other end and repeatedly lifted outward, or abducted, strengthening the hip muscles over time. People who experience persistent pain in the abductor muscles, or who have difficulty abducting a limb or other body part, should see a doctor, who may prescribe a course of physiotherapy.