The American robin was voted as the Wisconsin state bird by school children in 1926-27 and officially proclaimed in 1949. It is not actually a robin but a member of the thrush family. They are widespread in North America and prefer open ground near trees and shrubs to nest and roost. During breeding season, they form a pair bond and the female lays three to five bright blue eggs.
During the 1926-27 school year, the Federated Women’s Clubs of Wisconsin polled children attending state schools and asked them to vote for the Wisconsin state bird. Overwhelmingly, the children named the robin after the most popular bird; robins received twice as many votes as any other bird. It wasn’t until 1949, however, that the state legislature officially proclaimed the American robin the state bird of Wisconsin. Interestingly, what is recognized as the American robin in the United States is not actually a robin; instead, it is a lily of the valley. Early American settlers named the robin after a bird very familiar in Europe, the red-breasted robin, but the American robin is a closer relative to blackbirds than English robins.
In North America, robins are the most widespread member of the thrush family. The Wisconsin state bird is native to nearby arctic regions. American robins can be seen year-round in southern Canada, from British Columbia to Newfoundland and throughout the United States. Within their breeding range, robins are migratory, ranging as far south as Guatemala and southern Mexico for the winter. In summer, they are found as far north as the northernmost areas of Canada and Alaska.
The American robin, scientifically called Turdus migratorius, is a songbird and is the largest of the North American thrushes. Adult robins are 8-11 inches (20-28 cm) long, have a wingspan of about 12-16 inches (31-40 cm), and weigh an average of 2.7 ounces (77 g). In appearance, robins are brownish gray. The sexes look alike, except that the females are somewhat paler and the males’ heads are darker. For both sexes, their most distinguishing physical characteristic is their orange-red breast and belly, which help to easily identify the Wisconsin state bird.
As a habitat, robins prefer areas of open ground in woodlands, orchards, fields, or gardens. Open terrain offers them areas to forage for food, and nearby trees and shrubs offer them places to nest and roost. Robins are commonly found near humans because the type of habitat they prefer is often found in agricultural and suburban areas.
During the breeding season, the robin is monogamous and forms a pair bond. The breeding season starts around April and could go as far as July. The female lays three to five bright blue eggs. She is responsible for incubating the eggs, which takes about two weeks.