Energy flow balancing is a practice found in many alternative medical treatments that aims to remove blockages in the body’s natural energy flow to improve physical and emotional health. It is based on the understanding of chakras and is used in disciplines such as acupuncture, acupressure, and Reiki. While Western medicine does not recognize it, interest in energy work has increased in the West.
Energy flow balancing is a treatment that is included in many forms of alternative medical care. The goal of any kind of effort to balance the flow of energy through the body is to remove any obstacles that negatively affect that natural flow. By engaging in some kind of balancing of energy flow, practitioners believe that the body’s natural defenses have a better chance of fighting off a wide range of diseases.
In Ayurvedic medicine, balancing the flow of energy through the body is important for a healthy body, mind, and spirit. If some type of blockage interferes with this flow of energy, the individual may become more susceptible to physical ailments and emotional disturbances. Treatments aimed at removing the blockage are believed to minimize or even eliminate the need to rely on Western medicine.
The foundation for effective energy flow balance involves understanding the chakras in the body. A chakra is an energy center located in the body. Seven major chakras are augmented by various minor chakras. The use of various methods to stimulate the flow of energy through the chakras provides the foundation for healing.
Energy flow balancing is found in several different disciplines. Acupressure and acupuncture are administered with the goal of returning the body’s energy flow to a natural and effective state. Reiki and other forms of energy work involve harnessing the flow of energy and isolating points that are blocked. Once the location of a block is identified, massage techniques can be employed to help relieve tension and allow energy to flow properly once more.
Most disciplines that use energy flow balancing view the body and mind as support systems that affect the general health of the individual. Emotional problems are thought to have physical implications, and vice versa. By using energy work to restore a proper balance of energy flow, both mind and body are expected to respond favorably. As the flow of energy through the body resumes, the physical and emotional problems caused by the blockage of energy flow begin to lessen and eventually disappear.
While balancing energy flow is part of many Eastern traditions, Western medicine generally does not credit the concept of correcting energy flow as an effective means of treating physical and emotional health problems. However, interest in energy work as a means to optimal health has increased significantly in the West since the dawn of the new century. Today, almost every city will have at least one practitioner in residence who uses energy flow balancing as part of treatment for a wide range of ailments.