Intergenre text blends elements from multiple genres, such as science fiction-horror or comedy-romance. Fiction has numerous sub-genres, defined by shared conventions. Some consider genre fiction as solely for entertainment, but well-written works like Raymond Chandler’s detective novels and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein challenge this. Cross-genre fiction can mix historical settings, fantasy, or magical realism. Fan fiction is a popular form of cross-genre writing where writers use characters from established works in new settings and situations.
Intergenre text refers to works of fiction that blend or combine elements, themes, and structures from more than one genre. For example, horror and science fiction are considered distinct genres. A science fiction book that also has a strong element of horror as a theme could be characterized as a science fiction-horror story. A character solving a mystery set in the future would be in the genre of a science fiction mystery. The possibilities for cross-genre fiction are limited only by the many types of genres.
The three broad genre categories are poetry, drama, and fiction. Within the genre of fiction there are numerous sub-genres. These include, among others, romance, western, thriller, mystery, comedy and adventure. A genre is defined by its shared characteristics and conventions.
In the conventions of many romance novels, for example, the two protagonists generally go through misunderstandings and conflicts and may not initially love each other intensely. Eventually they learn to appreciate each other and fall in love. When conflicts are expressed through humorous events, the work can be characterized as a comedy-romance.
There is often a distinction between literary and genre fiction. Genre fiction is sometimes understood to refer to stories written primarily for entertainment as opposed to a higher purpose, such as creating art. Some writers disagree with this distinction. They point to writers such as American author Raymond Chandler, whose detective novels fall within the conventions of that particular genre, yet are considered so well written and considered good literature. English writer Mary Shelley’s gothic horror novel Frankenstein is viewed in much the same way.
Other types of cross-genre fiction are works that place a story in a particular setting or mix fiction with elements of fantasy or magic. For example, a romance novel may be set in a historical period where fictional characters interact with historical events and real people. Fantasy adventure may involve characters sharing their struggles with fantastic creatures and beings. There are literary works that contain “magical realism”. The stories take place in the realm of reality, but magical or supernatural forces are at work in the plot.
In an interesting parallel to cross-genre fiction, many aspiring young adult writers are honing their skills writing “fan-fic.” In a fan fiction, the writer takes characters from popular books or TV shows and places them in new settings and situations. The writer may also invent original characters, “oc’s,” to interact with established ones. There are also “cross-over” fan-fics, which take characters from different stories and put them together in one story. Fanfics are posted on the Internet for fans of the original stories to read and comment on.