A mediastinoscope is an endoscope used to look into the chest cavity between the lungs to diagnose lung cancer, infections, and other conditions. It contains a camera, light source, and tools for tissue removal or biopsy. It can also be used to remove abnormal tissue or take some for further testing.
A mediastinoscope is a device specifically designed to look into the chest cavity between the lungs. The oscilloscope assembly typically contains both a camera and a light source, and sometimes also contains parts for tissue removal or biopsy. Medical tests in which a mediastinoscope may be used include evaluating for lung cancer or identifying infection.
Endoscopy is an important subsection of medical diagnostics. This technique involves making no incision or a small incision and inserting a long, thin tube into the body. The tube is flexible enough for the surgeon to maneuver it through or over biological obstacles to reach the body region being studied. At the end of the tube is a tiny camera which, together with a light source, shows the surgeon the details of what is happening inside the body without the patient having to undergo open surgery. A mediastinoscope is an endoscope that has been specialized into the region between the lungs.
The lungs are located in the upper chest, under the ribs and sternum bone. Between the lungs is a space called the mediastinum. Within this space are the heart, some lymph nodes, and the tubes that carry air and food around the body. Changes in this area can occur when a person is suffering from a disease such as cancer, so a mediastinoscope can be used to look inside the body to help a doctor diagnose a problem.
Lung cancer is the most common reason for receiving a mediastinoscopy, and the procedure can help identify how serious a case of cancer is. This is because cancer cells in the lung can spread to lymph nodes in the mediastinum over time. Signs of cancerous tissue in the lymph nodes include patches of abnormally dark or light cells or unusual masses in the mediastinum. An infection or chronic condition such as sarcoidosis can also be identified using this technique, as can problems with the thymus gland in the mediastinum.
In addition to helping a doctor diagnose the presence of abnormal cells, the mediastinoscope can also be used to remove abnormal tissue or take some for further testing. To do this, the basic body of a simple mediastinoscope may also contain tools such as claws or forceps, which the surgeon can maneuver to remove tissue. He performs the procedure by looking at the television image of the inside of the body transmitted by the mediastinoscope camera.