The Biology GRE tests knowledge in cellular and molecular biology, organizational biology, and ecology and evolution. It is not always required for graduate school, but may be included in an application package. The exam consists of about 200 questions and covers a range of topics within each subset.
The Biology Graduate Record Examination (GRE) tests ability and understanding in biology. Generally, subject tests such as this one are not required to be accepted by a graduate school, but completion of this exam may be an addition to a graduate application package. The Biology GRE is made up of about 200 questions covering three common areas of biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology, Organizational Biology, and Ecology and Evolution.
Biology GRE questions are listed in a five-choice format. Sometimes a laboratory will be described with graphs and results, and the questions will assess the examinees’ understanding of the described laboratory. Each subject area is measured equally. When scored, the Biology GRE will list not only a total score, but also individual scores for each subset of questions included in the test.
Approximately 33% of the questions included in this exam deal with cellular and molecular biology. Potential questions in this area may relate to the foundations of these two main issues. Cell structure and function can also be tested, including metabolic pathways, membrane dynamics, organelles, cytoskeleton and cell cycle. Microscopy, separation and immunobiology methods may appear as a question in the test.
The second subset of questions included on the biology GRE focuses on organizational biology. The focus of these questions can be subjects such as structure, behavior and development of plants. Other topics covered include gas exchange, fluid regulation, environmental stimuli, and internal transport.
Organizational biology issues can be divided into five main subtopics on the biology GRE. These topics include structure, function, and organization of animals, reproduction and development of animals, function and structure of plants, reproduction and development of plants, and diversity of life. Differences in selected groups of the animal kingdom can also be listed among these questions.
Questions related to ecology and evolution make up approximately 33% of the biology GRE. These questions may require test takers to exercise quantitative skills, such as understanding simple mathematical representations. Generally, an equal number of questions related to ecology and evolution will be included. While many questions may focus on patterns in these areas, some may involve current issues in the environment.
Ecological issues can cover a wide range of subjects, from ecosystem function to physiological adaptations. Evolution issues are related to genetic foundations, evolution processes and their consequences. Some questions can incorporate the fundamentals of ecology and evolution.