There are various ways to measure glucose levels for different reasons, such as detecting diabetes or infections. Methods include urine and blood tests, glucose tolerance tests, and home monitoring devices. In rare cases, spinal fluid may be tested.
There are many different ways to measure glucose, the simple sugar prevalent in the body, and a variety of reasons for performing such tests. Frequently, glucose measurements are taken to look for high or low glucose levels, to check for conditions that suggest diabetes or diabetes during pregnancy, to monitor sugar levels in a person with diabetes, and sometimes to screen for infectious diseases such as meningitis spinal or others. The way glucose levels are tested may match the purpose of the test.
An easy way to measure glucose is to look for it in a urine sample. This is commonly done during pregnancy to evaluate urine for high sugar levels, and testing usually takes place during routine pregnancy exams. If sugar levels are high, doctors may choose to measure glucose in other ways to get more accurate readings and confirm levels. This is important because higher glucose amounts can suggest conditions such as gestational diabetes.
Confirmation of high blood sugar in pregnancy usually involves blood tests. A simple venipuncture draws blood, and the lab will measure glucose from this sample. Blood testing can actually be conducted in many different ways, anytime you suspect high or low sugar levels; it is not unique to pregnancy.
People might drink a high-glucose drink an hour before taking a test to determine sugar tolerance, called a tolerance test. Alternatively, you may need to fast first to get an accurate reading. You may need blood and urine samples to compare results, or you may need to repeat the tests a few times.
Another way to measure glucose and make the process more convenient than going to a lab every day is to use a monitor at home. This also evaluates blood glucose counts, but requires a much smaller sample or finger prick that is collected by the person performing the test. Especially when someone has conditions like diabetes, daily monitoring may be necessary and it could help determine what the drug’s strengths are.
These monitors are usually referred to as diabetes monitors or testing equipment. They may not replace the need for more thorough blood tests on a regular basis, but they may reduce the number of trips to the lab needed. They can also provide people with greater freedom in day-to-day activity once people are properly trained in using the test equipment and interpreting the results.
It’s common to think that the primary means of measuring glucose is the evaluation of blood or urine samples, but sometimes that’s not the case. Some infections and diseases affecting the central nervous system can greatly reduce the levels of glucose in spinal fluid or other types of fluid in the body. Doctors may touch these areas, especially the spine, as a way of diagnosing these diseases. Spinal taps or other fluids are the riskiest ways to measure glucose levels, but may be necessary when certain diseases are suspected.