Honey sticks are straws filled with honey that can be eaten as a snack or put into drinks. They come in various flavors and sizes and are popular with people who have a sweet tooth or athletes who need a quick energy boost. They can be purchased or made at home.
Honey sticks are straws filled with honey that can be eaten as a sweet snack or put into beverages like coffee or tea. The straws generally contain about 1 teaspoon (5 mL) of honey. There are many types of honey sticks including a wide variety of honey flavors and brands. Natural honey is often used when making honey sticks and can be purchased or made at home by an ambitious cook. They work well for travel or as a quick, energizing, sweet snack.
There are honey sticks offered in different flavor combinations. Honey is often combined with fruit or spice flavors to provide a completely different experience when honey is eaten or used in a drink. Popular ingredients include blackberry, cinnamon, and clover blossom. Other varieties, such as lemon, orange, and peppermint, provide a different twist to regular honey. Some merchants offer a variety of honey stick packs so that customers can try different flavors to find the ones they like best. In some cases, honey is naturally flavored from flowers or elements that bees can find by pollinating and eating themselves.
When honey sticks are made, the honey, special ingredients or aromatic essences are placed in a straw and sealed closed. Honey sticks are opened by cutting or chewing on one end of the straw so the honey can be eaten or mixed into a drink. As a snack, honey sticks are often popular with people who have a sweet tooth or athletes who need a quick burst of energy while playing sports. The sticks come in different sizes depending on how much honey an individual wishes to consume. They are easily packed into lunches or used for picnics where getting a jar or bottle of honey can be messy and difficult.
Honey is produced by many different manufacturers, so it is possible to find honey sticks that use different types of honey. Organic, fresh-from-the-comb, and small-batch honey sticks are available at some markets. The product is often found in coffee or tea shops near the cash register, as they can be a last minute purchase for many people. When using the product in a hot drink, you can open the end, squeeze out the honey and use the straw as a stirrer. They can also be made at home using straws, a syringe, and a heat sealer to seal the ends of the straws shut.