The American elm is the state tree of Massachusetts and North Dakota, chosen for its association with the American Revolutionary War. It is a tall and hardy tree that can grow in a variety of conditions and is used for various products. However, it is highly susceptible to Dutch elm disease, which has decimated the population. Efforts to hybridize with disease-resistant elms and limit the spread of the disease are ongoing.
The state tree of Massachusetts is the American elm, or Ulmus americana. The American Elm’s designation as Massachusetts State Tree commemorates a historic event. In 1775, the American Revolutionary War began in Massachusetts with the battles of Lexington and Concord. After the battles, General George Washington took control of the Continental Army under an American elm. Became the Massachusetts State Tree on March 21, 1941.
American elms can reach 120 feet tall and are found in the eastern half of the United States. The large range of the Massachusetts state tree is due to the tree’s tolerance of heat and cold. It also survives in a wide variety of soil and water conditions. This majestic tree is known by many other names, including Florida elm and water elm. It is favored more for its rapid growth and leafy silhouette than for the nondescript flowers that appear from March to May.
The American elm’s popularity, hardiness, and beauty have made it not only the state tree of Massachusetts, but also the state tree of North Dakota. The wood of the tree is prized for its interlocking grain, a feature that makes the wood less susceptible to splitting. American elm wood is useful for making a variety of products including hockey sticks, furniture and flooring. Wood pulp is sometimes made from American elm, and some paper manufacturers use the wood in their products.
These trees are highly susceptible to Dutch elm disease, a fungus spread by bark beetles. In 1930, a shipment of logs brought the disease from Europe to the United States. The disease causes American elm foliage to turn yellow and wilt, eventually killing the entire tree. Dutch elm disease has decimated the elm population, sometimes wiping out entire stands of old trees. American elms, once nearly ubiquitous in cities and parks, were reduced to an occasional spread of healthy trees.
Dutch elm disease is difficult to prevent in these elms and nearly impossible to cure once a tree is infected. Conservation efforts focus on trying to hybridize American elms with more disease resistant elms. American elms have twice as many chromosomes as other elms, making successful hybridization difficult. Limiting the spread of Dutch elm disease involves eliminating bark beetles and preventing cross-contamination. Insecticides are effective at killing fungal bark beetles, and plant care practices can prevent the spread of disease from infected trees to healthy trees.