Tribal nations in the US are made up of Native American tribes that governed themselves before European arrival. They have sovereign rights, their own governments, and manage their own affairs. They are not subject to state laws but can access US courts with approval. The US government and Bureau of Indian Affairs can make decisions affecting them. Tribal nations prefer to settle disputes internally and have their own legal and tax systems. The US Congress can limit their freedom or dissolve their governments.
A tribal nation is usually defined as a dependent domestic ruler in the United States. Tribal nations typically consist of members of Native American tribes that governed themselves before the arrival of Europeans. In the modern United States (USA), many Native American tribes have formed tribal nations and these generally have all the sovereign rights of other nations. Members of each of these tribal nations normally enjoy all the rights and privileges of American citizenship and may also possess additional rights, such as hunting and land-use rights, as dictated by tribal culture and tradition. Tribal nations typically form their own governments and retain power to manage their own internal affairs, including trade, taxation, private property, and internal relations.
Members of a tribal nation are generally not required to follow state laws in the United States. Tribes generally handle their legal affairs through tribal courts. Tribes also generally cannot negotiate with foreign nations or trade land with other nations or states.
The concept of sovereign tribal nations dependent on the interior is thought to have originated as a solution to the longstanding conflict between Native Americans and European settlers. Many believe that the early US government violated the rights of Native Americans by forcing them off their tribal lands and relinquishing the inherent rights they enjoyed prior to European settlement. Tribal nations are seen as enjoying their inherent freedom and sovereign rights, while remaining dependent subjects of the United States.
While Native American tribal nations are generally not considered subject to state laws, they are considered subject to decisions by the United States government and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. They are usually asked to settle their own legal disputes in the tribal courts. They can, however, access US courts with prior approval from the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Notable US court decisions on the rights of tribal nations include the 1978 Supreme Court decision in Oliphant v. Suquamish Indian Tribe. In this case, the court ruled that the tribal nation’s courts cannot prosecute non-tribe members. Montana v. United States in 1981 gave tribal nations full power to regulate their own internal affairs, including civil authority over non-tribal members residing in the tribal nation. Duro vs. Reina in 1990 granted tribal nations the right to refuse access to tribal lands to non-tribe members, at the discretion of tribal governments.
For the most part, tribal nations prefer to settle their internal disputes and conduct their affairs without the intervention of state or US courts. Serious crimes committed on tribal lands are usually tried in state or US courts, even if the perpetrators or victims are members of the tribe. Each tribal nation is largely free to build its own legal and tax systems and adhere to its own customs, although the US Congress still retains the authority to limit the freedom of tribal governments or to dissolve tribal governments altogether.