Invocation and evocation are often used interchangeably, but there are differences. Evocation summons non-human entities externally, while invocation calls them to act through the person making the call. Conjuration is associated with the occult, while invocation can be associated with both celestial and demonic entities. In legal terms, invocation involves summoning evidence, while a summons transfers a case to a higher court.
Invocation and evocation are English words often used interchangeably. Both derive from the Latin word vocare, which means to evoke. Both words can deal with evoking interaction with non-human entities. However, many people, especially those with knowledge of the occult, believe there are differences. These are generally based on how an entity is summoned and what entities are treated.
In most cases, the words invocation and evocation are used in conjunction with actions that have to do with people’s beliefs. Many people limit the use of these words to occult practices. According to their correct definitions, however, this need not be the case.
The first notable difference between evocation and invocation concerns the distance between the entity being called and the person making the call. With a summon, a non-human entity is summoned, but is not connected to the caller. The entity remains in an external area. It is also believed that the energy used to summon the entity comes from outside the caller.
With an invocation, the caller becomes a medium. The entity she summons is bound to come out within her. It is generally believed that this person uses internal resources or energies to allow this to happen.
When the invocation process is successful and a non-human entity acts through a person, numerous changes are believed to be possible. The person’s voice, for example, can be altered. His physical appearance and behavior may change. However, many who claim to have had such experiences claim to be fully aware as the entity acts through them.
Another difference between evocation and invocation is in the types of beliefs they are associated with. Conjuration is generally only associated with the occult. The entities that are summoned are usually those that are perceived to be rivals of a Heavenly God. These could include the devil or his demons.
The invocation can be associated with both types of belief. It is often believed that celestial entities such as Allah or angels are invoked. They can be called through prayer to act through their subjects.
Law is another area where both of these words can have relevance and can be confused. In legal terms, an invocation involves summoning something from another case. It could be documents or physical evidence. A summons involves the transfer of a case from a lower court to a higher one. If a case, for example, is removed from a district court and brought before a supreme court, it has been summoned.