A market requirements document outlines customer needs and desired changes for a product, with input from various departments. It includes market information, competitor analysis, and a timeline for new product launch. The document is a problem-solving tool that identifies needs and proposes solutions.
A market requirements document (MRD) describes what changes customers would like to see in a particular product. It is used as a guideline by professionals responsible for implementing changes. The document is composed of an individual who represents customers for the company. Essentially, the person who knows your customers best uses the market requirements document to communicate with the person who understands your product best.
Most of the time, a manager who is involved in marketing the products will write the market requirements document. This person will need collaboration from several departments, including sales, manufacturing, and research, in order to write a comprehensive requirements report. The end result will often be essentially a blueprint of the new product, with elements that need to be changed being accounted for at the end.
A market requirements document will include market information for the product and features that the customer needs and wants. The document will also take into account the activities of competitors. In many cases, MRD will describe the timeline and other details of the process towards new product launch.
There are several sections in a market requirements document. They usually begin with a summary of the document, as well as a description of the general goals and scope of the requested changes. It will also project when the new product will be ready and who it will be marketed to. A key part of the document is the section explaining why changes should be made and what benefits they will provide. This may include technical product details and support for a specific type of production.
A typical market requirements document will include information about what the customer requires and how suggested changes can meet these needs. It will also describe how the competition worked to satisfy customers and where they succeeded and failed. These two pieces of information can help a company decide which needs are not being met and how to attract customers by providing the features that bridge the gap.
The market requirements document can be seen as a way to solve a problem. Start by describing a need. He then explains in detail why the problem exists and presents ideas on how it could be addressed. The document then outlines steps to resolve the issue to satisfy customers. Finally, look for weaknesses in the resolution by testing.