Smell disorders can be divided into two groups: dysosmia, where the sense of smell is distorted, and hyposmia/anosmia, where the sense of smell is decreased or lost. Dysosmia can be caused by several factors, including head injuries and diseases like Parkinson’s. Smell disorders can result from problems at different points in the pathway along which scent molecules are inhaled, sensed, and evaluated.
There are two main groups of smell disorders or smell disorders. In one, the sense of smell may be distorted, so that a pleasant scent may seem disgusting, and this type of smell disorder is called dysosmia. The other group of smell disorders is associated with a decreased sense of smell. This is known as hyposmia or, if sense of smell is completely lost, anosmia. Because smell, or smelling, is a big part of what gives food its flavor, a smell disorder will often be accompanied by a taste disorder.
A smell disorder can be specific, affecting only a single scent or a small number of scents. Other smell disorders are described as partial, affecting a range of smells, but not all smells. Where every odor is affected by the disturbance, it is described as total.
Anosmia and hyposmia are both smell disorders that can be caused by heavy smoking. They can also occur in association with sinus infections, head injuries and diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Smell also decreases due to the normal aging process.
Dysosmia, in which the sense of smell is distorted, can be divided into several types. Phantomsmia is a type of dysosmia in which a person detects the presence of an odor when it is not actually there. It can be caused by colds, head injuries, migraines or diseases such as Parkinson’s. Parosmia, another type of dysosmia, describes the type of smell distortion in which a pleasant aroma seems disgusting. It can be caused by a sinus infection and is sometimes associated with depression.
Olfactory agnosia is another type of dysosmia and involves a loss of the ability to identify odors. The term agnosia can also describe the inability to recognize other things such as people and objects. Olfactory agnosia can be caused by a defect in the brain.
Smell disorders can result from problems at different points in the pathway along which scent molecules are inhaled, sensed, and evaluated. Early on, conditions like nasal polyps can block the nasal passages, preventing scent molecules from reaching the olfactory nerves at the back of the nose. Further along the path, the olfactory nerves can be damaged. At the top of the trail, those parts of the brain that process odors may be injured or diseased. Hormonal problems, such as thyroid disease, can also affect your sense of smell.