Digital medical imaging is used for diagnostics, procedures, and studies. Common formats are compatible with web browsers, and images can be viewed on monitors. Radiology and breast thermography use digital imaging, and images can be stored in various formats. The challenge is to store and retrieve data securely, with privacy concerns.
Medical images are used for diagnostics, during medical procedures, for pathological studies, and for the study of anatomy and physiology. In the past, medical images were stored on film. Now, digital medical imaging uses electronic processing to store and display images. Commonly used image formats are compatible with web browsers, making digital medical images accessible for viewing by clinicians and researchers worldwide. During diagnostic tests and surgical procedures, digital images can be viewed on monitors.
Diagnostic radiology uses X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, and nuclear imaging technologies to produce images that help doctors detect health problems. Radiology often uses digital medical imaging, which is produced electronically rather than on film. This is sometimes done using an analog-to-digital converter, or the process can be entirely digital. The image is then available for viewing on computers and monitors. Images are archived using electronic media such as digital magnetic tapes or other media.
Another form of digital medical imaging is used in breast thermography diagnostic testing. This technology uses digital infrared imaging, a method of taking breast tissue temperatures. Precancerous and cancerous tissue is more metabolically active than normal tissue, resulting in higher temperatures. Digital medical imaging is also used in mammography, another method of detecting breast cancer. Advances in this technology include three-dimensional tomosynthesis mammography, which uses a series of X-rays to produce sharp images.
Just as with other digital imaging, digital medical imaging results can be viewed on a monitor, printed, or uploaded to the Internet. Digital images are stored in many different formats. Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) images are compressed images that are stored in the JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF). Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) is useful for animations, while Portable Network Graphics (PNG) is readily supported by most web browsers. Raw Image Formats (RAW), on the other hand, must be developed before producing a usable image.
The large amount of digital imaging data stored presents a challenge to the modern medical industry. You need safe and convenient ways to store data, retrieve digital medical imaging files, and share files with other doctors or researchers. As the number of images stored in medical image archiving and communication systems (PACS) increases, so does the need for guidelines that ensure reliable and secure storage and access. Online digital medical image archives make it easy for doctors and researchers around the world to retrieve images. Issues of patient privacy and personal information security are important considerations when medical data is stored and retrieved.