Warm-up exercises prepare the body and mind for physical activity, reducing the risk of injury. Head circles, arm circles, hip and calf stretches, and leg extensions are all effective warm-up exercises.
Warm-up exercises can help a person prepare physically and mentally for physical activity. They serve to lower a person’s blood pressure, increase muscle flexibility, improve blood circulation, and even decrease the risk of injury. There are warm-up exercises for almost every part of your body.
Many people start their warm-up exercises with head circles. To perform them, tilt your head to the side, so that one of your ears is close to one of your shoulders. Then circle the head toward the front of the body, moving the head until the other ear is close to the opposite shoulder. Finally, turn your head to the other side. Do these head circles about 10 times.
Arm circles are also good warm-up exercises. Start with your right arm extended, and then circle back, keeping your palm facing out and your thumb pointing skyward. Do this about 10 times and then switch to the other arm. Once you’ve circled back with both arms, circle forward, keeping your palms facing in and your thumb pointing toward the floor. Repeat these warm-up exercises about 10 times as well.
Hip stretches are also good warm-up exercises. To perform them, stand up straight and move your right foot back a half step. Then, bending your right knee, shift your weight to your left hip. Now lower your left leg, lean forward while keeping your leg straight. Hold this position for about 15 seconds, then switch sides and repeat the exercise.
You can also use calf stretches as warm-up exercises. To perform them, stand close to a wall, keeping an arm’s length away. Then lean against the wall, using your arms to support yourself. Bring your right leg forward, keeping your knee bent as you hold your other leg behind you with your knee straight and your heel firmly on the ground. Move your hips forward until you feel a stretch and hold for 10-20 seconds before switching to the other leg.
You can also try leg extensions as warm-up exercises. To do this, stand in front of a stable chair and hold on with both hands. Move one of your legs forward and then swing it back and behind you. Bend your knee slightly as you do this. Try repeating these warm-up exercises about 10 times before switching legs.