Chamois cream helps protect cyclists from irritation and bacteria buildup in their padded shorts. Bag Balm, a petroleum jelly with lanolin, is a popular alternative. Look for a durable cream and consider the container’s hygiene. Most shorts are now synthetic and don’t require conditioning.
Bike shorts are padded with what’s known as chamois to help protect the rider from excessive stress on sensitive areas, but chamois can build up with sweat, causing friction that can lead to hot spots or saddle sores. . To avoid such irritation, riders often use chamois cream to help lubricate the chamois and the friction-prone area of the body. Chamois cream can also help protect the body from bacteria that inevitably accumulates in cycling shorts. When choosing a chamois cream, look for a cream that is durable and at least somewhat resistant to absorption.
In some cycling circles, the best chamois cream is not a cream at all. It’s called Bag Balm, and it was meant to be used on cow’s udders after milking. It protects udders from drying out or chafing, and it does the same for humans. Bag Balm is a petroleum jelly with lanolin, and it is thicker than most other varieties of suede cream, which means it stays on the suede much longer. Use Bag Balm just as you would chamois cream: spread the balm on the pad of the shorts thoroughly, as well as on the sensitive parts of the inner thighs and buttocks.
Many chamois creams are promoted as protecting and conditioning suede better than other brands. However, most cycling shorts today are not made of real suede, which is animal leather. Most shorts are now made from synthetic materials that feel like chamois, so they don’t need to be conditioned like real chamois does. The main concern when considering different chamois creams is how long it will last while driving to prevent rubbing and rubbing. Some creams come with witch hazel, which can provide a cooling sensation. Using such creams is a matter of preference; Some people enjoy the cooling sensation while others don’t, and triathletes should expect an extra jolt of cold upon entering the water.
Another consideration when choosing between chamois creams is the container that the cream comes in. Most varieties of cream come in plastic tubes, but others come in tubs. A tub allows you to get every last bit of cream out of the container before you throw it away, but it can also provide a breeding ground for bacteria, especially if more than one person is using the product. A tube is more hygienic, although you won’t be able to extract every last drop of cream.