Linear integrated circuits receive, process, and produce a variety of energy levels. They are analog and can create an infinite number of output levels. They are used for amplifiers and oscillators, with the most common type being operational amplifiers. The circuit’s output level is linearly proportional to the input level.
A linear integrated circuit is used in a variety of modern electronic equipment. The circuit is capable of receiving, processing and producing a variety of different levels of energy while the device is operating. Devices that require amplifiers and oscillators often make use of this type of circuit, which features equal input and output signal levels.
To understand what a linear integrated circuit is, it is important to first understand what an integrated circuit, or IC, is. An IC is probably best known as a chip or microchip. It is a type of semiconductor that has a series of integrated resistors, capacitors and transistors. Each IC can have hundreds or millions of these. Integrated circuits are often used as microprocessors, computer memories, amplifiers, oscillators or timers.
These circuits can be analog or digital. Linear integrated circuits are analog integrated circuits. They are different from digital integrated circuits because they are capable of creating a large variety of output levels. In fact, in theory, this circuit should be able to provide an infinite number of different signal levels. A digital integrated circuit, in contrast, is only capable of producing a few different levels of output.
Analog integrated circuits are called linear integrated circuits because the signal output level of the circuit is a linear function of the signal input level. The graphical representation of input and output levels demonstrates this fact visually. If the output is graphed at the same time as the input, connecting the dots would produce a straight line. In other words, as the input varies, the output of the circuit changes proportionally.
Linear integrated circuits are used for functions where the signal output must vary, such as for audio and radio frequency amplifiers. Devices such as audio amplifiers, DC amplifiers, oscillators and multivibrators use these circuits. The most common type of linear integrated circuit is an operational amplifier, or op amp, which consists of a conventional analog circuit made up of transistors, resistors, and diodes. In an op amp, there are two different inputs, one of which is inverting and one of which is non-inverting.
When a signal is applied to the inverting input, a corresponding and opposite phase is produced at the output. Applying a signal to the non-inverting input of the circuit results in an identical phase being produced at the output. The variable resistor creates a connection between the inverting input and the output, which controls the amplification of the signal.