Flexion is the contraction of muscle tissue causing a joint to bend, crucial for weightlifting. Pushups stimulate muscle growth and allow athletes to display their muscle size. Bodybuilders use specific pushups to emphasize muscle groups during competition.
Flexion is a process in which the muscle tissues in a specific muscle or group of muscles contract. This contraction causes a joint in the body to bend in a specific way, but it also causes muscles to shorten in length and increase in width. The flexion is crucial when performing weight lifting exercises because it is what causes the body to move and lift the weight. The other benefit of the pushup is that the change in the shape of the muscle can be noticeable. Bodybuilders use various pushups to emphasize the size of their muscles.
Flexion occurs when the body’s neuromuscular system recruits muscle tissue and causes the tissue to contract. This causes the length of the muscle to decrease, which, in turn, causes the joint to which the muscle is attached to move. For example, when an athlete performs a biceps curl, the biceps muscles contract, causing the arm to bend at the elbow.
When a pushup meets resistance, such as during weightlifting exercises, it stimulates muscle growth. For this reason, the harder an athlete must flex a muscle during a lift, the more the lift will help stimulate muscle tissue growth. Without pushup, then, weightlifting would not be possible.
In addition to making weight lifting possible, the pushup also allows the athlete to display the benefits of their weight training in a more dramatic way. Bodybuilders use a variety of pushups to emphasize different muscle groups and show off the size of their muscles. For example, during one of the most common types of push-ups, the biceps is flexed, the biceps muscle protruding from the body. As a result, the biceps curl draws attention to the size of the athlete’s biceps and even makes them look slightly larger than they would if relaxed.
It is possible to flex every muscle in the body, but bodybuilders often use a few specific types of pushups during competition. The typical pushup in bodybuilding is aimed at creating the most dramatic effect possible. In addition to bicep curls, athletes will tend to flex muscles that are part of larger muscle groups, such as the quadriceps and triceps. Sit-ups are also quite common, as are push-ups for the back muscles. All of these pushups, in addition to recruiting some of the most visible muscle groups, also match the muscle groups that some of the more common weightlifting exercises tend to target.