Easter egg radishes are small, colorful, and flavorful spring radishes that can be eaten plain or added to salads and dishes. They are easy to grow and can be found in grocery stores or farmers markets. Radishes are related to turnips and horseradish and come in two types: spring and winter. The name comes from their globe-like shape and bright color. Radishes can be stored in the refrigerator for a week and their greens are also edible. They are typically eaten raw and have a crunchy texture and a hint of sweetness.
An Easter egg radish is a brightly colored spring radish that is packed with flavor, despite its small size. Peppered radish can be eaten plain, included in salads or grated over a variety of dishes. Many grocery stores stock Easter egg radishes in late spring and sometimes even early fall, and they can also be found at a farmers market. Radishes are also very easy to grow and are a fun gardening project for beginners.
Radishes are root vegetables related to turnips and horseradish. Like horseradish, radishes have a tangy, peppery flavor and are typically used as a condiment. There are two types of radishes: spring radishes and winter radishes. An Easter egg radish is the quintessential spring radish, planted in spring and harvested early so the size is kept small, resulting in tender, flavorful flesh. Winter radishes like daikon are planted later and allowed to ripen into much larger greens.
The name “Easter Egg ravish” is a reference to their globe-like shape and bright color. Radishes can be white, pink, red, and sometimes even purple, and they start looking quite like Easter eggs popping out of the ground as they ripen. To grow this radish, purchase seed from a garden store and sow them after the last risk of frost, typically in late spring. Water the seeds periodically, thin the starts if they become too dense, and harvest in about a month. In temperate climates, radishes can be grown in summer and even early fall, and some gardeners like to stagger plantings so they have a constant supply.
Fresh radishes can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week. In the store, radishes should be plump and firm with no signs of wrinkles or soft spots. They can be loose or packed in bunches with the vegetables attached. Radish greens are also perfectly edible and can be used in salads and other dishes to add a fresh, peppery flavor.
A classic way to eat an Easter egg radish is simple with a sprinkle of salt. The colorful root vegetables can also be served on appetizer platters, sometimes cut into fanciful shapes like roses. Typically, these radishes are eaten raw, as they have a crunchy texture when raw. Especially young radishes will also have a hint of sweetness in addition to pepper.