Winding machines wind materials onto cores or spools and come in various types, from manual to CNC-controlled. Industries such as textiles, electronics, and paper use them for coil winding, rope winding, and continuous filament winding. They can wind wire, thread, paper, and more, and are used to make stators, transformers, and large rolls of paper.
Typically, a winding machine winds a material, such as wire, thread, or paper, onto a core, spool, or spool. There are many different types of winding machines, from simple hand-feed machines to complex computer numerical control (CNC) machines. Some of the more common uses for winding machines are coil winding, rope winding, and continuous filament winding. Many industries use these devices, including the textile, electronics and wire industries.
A hand winding machine usually has a core on a spindle and the user feeds wire, rope, or other material onto the core. The user controls the speed of the spindle and feeds the material through his hand, guiding it to control tension and loading pattern. These simple machines can be bench-sized or large self-contained wrappers.
Most wrapping machines are CNC controlled or are a combination of manual and automatic. CNC controls can adjust the tension of the material, the amount that is wrapped on the bed, and the pattern in which the material is wrapped on the bed. For example, the machine will not stretch the knitting thread, which spoils the thread. While similar, winders are different from winders that wind skeins of thread.
The textile industry has several uses for wrapping machines. The most common is thread winding, which can involve winding thread onto a card, bobbin, or spool. Other materials that require a wrapping machine include ribbons, yarns and ropes. Sometimes companies combine the winder with another machine, such as a twister, to wind a product like rope.
One of the first uses of a continuous filament winding machine was for the aerospace industry. A continuous filament winder applies a resin-impregnated continuous fiber in a precise pattern. The industry used the resulting product for nose tips, casings, and other missile parts. Manufacturers use the continuous filament process for many different products, including bicycle parts, golf clubs and military equipment.
In the paper industry, these machines wind freshly made sheets of paper into very large rolls that can weigh up to 40 tons (36.3 tons). These rolls are too large to handle and ship to customers, so manufacturers use wrapping machines to convert the huge sheets of paper into manageable rolls. Usually the company produces the rolls according to customer specifications. Sometimes the customer rewinds the product onto rolls small enough to sell to consumers, such as gift wrap, wax paper, and paper towels.
Motors usually contain stators, which are copper wires wound around a core. Manufacturers use manual, automatic or CNC controlled winders to make stators. Wire winding is useful in the electronics industry and in making step-up or step-down transformers. Stators and similar items can be solid-based or toroidal-based, meaning they have a donut-shaped base with a hole in the center. Some machines can wind both styles, but most winders do one or the other.