Vegan runners need to consume enough plant-based protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats to support their active lifestyles. Soy products, beans, and nuts are good sources of protein, while whole grains and vegetables are good sources of carbs. Vegan runners should also consume heart-healthy fats and consider taking omega-3 and B-12 supplements.
Vegan runners need to eat effectively to excel athletically, just like non-vegan runners. Since vegans don’t eat animal products, they need to make sure they consume enough plant-based protein to support muscle growth and strength. Carbohydrates are important, and fortunately, plant sources of this macronutrient are plentiful. It’s also important that vegan runners, whose diets are naturally low in calories, consume plenty of healthy, plant-based fats to give them the energy they need for high-quality performance.
One of the biggest criticisms of veganism is that people who don’t eat animal products have a hard time getting enough protein. Fortunately for vegan runners, who need more protein to use for muscle growth and repair than sedentary vegans, there are a multitude of options for plant-based protein. Soy products like edamame, tempeh, tofu, and miso are excellent sources of protein and can be prepared in a variety of ways to suit many palettes. Beans and nuts are also protein-packed options. However, vegan runners should keep in mind that not all plant-based protein sources contain all the amino acids they need to be complete proteins; Complete proteins can be created by strategically combining certain plant-based foods, such as beans with rice.
It is essential that vegan runners consume enough carbohydrates because carbohydrates are responsible for providing the body with the energy it needs to run. Fortunately, the healthiest sources of carbs are plant-based and therefore vegan. Vegan runners should choose complex carbohydrates that digest slowly and provide long-lasting energy. Whole grains (whole wheat, bulgar, quinoa, etc.) and vegetables are good examples of complex carbohydrates. Runners transitioning to a vegan lifestyle should be aware that the increase in fiber associated with a vegan diet may initially irritate the stomach until the body adjusts to the change.
Since a plant-based diet is naturally low in fat and calories, vegan runners need to make sure they’re eating enough calories to support their active lifestyles. Runners need more calories per day than sedentary people, because calories are the energy that drives exercise. Non-vegans have less difficulty maintaining calories because meat and dairy have more calories per serving than vegetables, soy, or legumes.
Vegan runners should consume heart-healthy fats from avocado, nuts, seeds, olives, and vegetable oils to meet their daily calorie goals. Certain nuts and seeds, such as walnuts and flax, also provide the essential omega-3 fatty acids needed to properly metabolize fat and protein. Transitioning vegan runners might consider taking omega-3 supplements until they master their new lifestyles. Similarly, since vitamin B-12 can be difficult for some vegans to consume adequately, a B-12 supplement or multivitamin can also be a valuable addition to your diet.