Bammy bread is a Jamaican flatbread made from cassava root, often served with seafood dishes. Cassava root must be specially prepared due to its cyanide content. It can be found in Jamaican or Cajun restaurants or purchased online.
Bammy bread is a Jamaican flatbread that uses cassava root, what we may know more familiarly as tapioca, as an essential starch ingredient. Bammy bread has been compared to pancakes, and can be fried much like a flatbread or baked and flipped to brown both sides. Unlike the American pancake, bammy bread is often an accompaniment to savory foods and most popular served with seafood dishes.
Bammy bread is made from grated cassava, which is pressed into cloth or paper to remove most of its moisture. You’ll find it in great supply in Jamaica, and its popularity has also migrated to the United States, especially in the southern states. Finding cassava root is often the hardest part of making bread. Check specialty food stores if you want to make your own bread.
Cassava root for bammy bread must be specially prepared, as in raw form it can contain some cyanide. The root is normally grated and rinsed at least once. It is usually then dried before being salted and formed into small cakes about 4 inches (10.16 cm) in diameter.
You can find dessert shapes of bammy bread that are sure to be delicacies. Sometimes after the cake is baked, it is cooled and then dipped in coconut milk. The bammy bread or cake is then re-fried and can be served with sweet syrup or as a breakfast food. However, it is more common to find bammy bread served with savory foods, especially fried fish.
Bammy bread often has to be specially ordered from Jamaica or online Jamaican grocery stores. You’ll notice that it looks quite similar to small flour tortillas and is fairly inexpensive to purchase. You may find it in the occasional Jamaican or Cajun restaurant and more typically you will find it offered in the Southern United States. It’s very hard to find bread in the Northern States, unless you’re lucky enough to have a Jamaican restaurant nearby.
Of course, one way to experience bammy bread in its most authentic incarnations is to travel to Jamaica. This will likely ensure you get the freshest fresh bread possible, as well as provide a great holiday destination. On the other hand, not all people have the luxury of taking such a trip, no matter how much they would like to. In this case, try internet stores, international grocery stores, or try a number of bammy bread recipes available on the internet or in Jamaican cookbooks.