Preventive dentistry aims to prevent tooth decay, damage, or disease through good oral hygiene and maintenance practices. It has three levels: primary, secondary, and tertiary. Primary prevention includes brushing, flossing, and fluoridation, while secondary prevention includes procedures like filling cavities and root canals. Regular dental exams and cleaning are important for maintaining oral health.
Preventive dentistry, also called preventative dentistry, is the branch of dentistry aimed at preventing tooth decay, damage, or disease, and keeping the chewing or chewing process functioning properly. This is mainly achieved through good oral hygiene and maintenance practices. Preventive dentistry has three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary.
Brushing and flossing as well as the use of medicinal mouthwashes and mouthwashes are by far the most common preventive dentistry practices and are examples of primary preventive dentistry. Teeth brushing or cleaning has been practiced for centuries in almost every culture in the world. In some parts of the world, primitive people can use the frayed end of a green twig as a crude toothbrush. Brushing and flossing remove debris, reduce plaque buildup, and reduce the level of harmful bacteria in your mouth.
Another type of primary preventive dentistry is practiced by many municipal water services and is called fluoridation. Fluoridation is the addition of very small amounts of the element fluorine to the water supply in the form of fluorine compounds. It has been shown in studies conducted by the American Dental Association and other organizations to reduce the incidence of caries by up to 40%. Fluoridation has been widely implemented in the United States since its introduction in 1945 and is also practiced in many other developed areas around the world.
Regular dental exams and teeth cleaning by a dental health professional are key elements of any preventive dentistry program. Regularly visiting a dentist and brushing your teeth are effective and important methods of maintaining oral health. Cleaning by a dentist or dental hygienist can remove plaque that isn’t removed with regular brushing and flossing. Plaque is a buildup of microbes and bacteria that can cause tooth decay and gum disease, both of which can lead to tooth loss.
Secondary preventive dentistry may include procedures such as filling cavities, root canals, restoring teeth, applying dental sealants, or installing caps and crowns. The removal of broken or impacted teeth, especially the back molars known as wisdom teeth, is a very common type of secondary preventive dentistry. All of these practices aim to prevent further damage, disease, or infection by repairing or removing the damaged tooth or tissue. Denture repairs such as broken bridges are considered tertiary prevention.