The private sector is the part of an economy not controlled by the government, including for-profit and non-profit enterprises. Most governments influence their private sectors through regulations. Unregulated private sectors can be harmful, but strong and regulated private sectors are crucial to successful modern economies. The Soviet Union and China attempted total government control over their economies, but both ultimately failed.
A private sector is that part of a nation’s economy that is not controlled by its government. Includes all for-profit and non-profit enterprises and accounts for all economic activities not initiated by the government, such as the construction of factories and other buildings, the purchase of raw materials to convert into finished products, and the wages and salaries paid to the workers. The other part of a national economy is the public sector, which is the part of the economy controlled by the government, including things like the salaries paid to its employees, the construction of government buildings, or the purchase of weapons, vehicles, and uniforms for his military.
Few modern economies, however, have private sectors that act solely in their own interests, motivated primarily by profit or mission. Most governments influence the actions of their private sectors, directly or indirectly, through regulations such as safety requirements and financial mandates, such as wage and hour laws. It is difficult to say precisely what actions the private sectors would take without this governmental influence, but it is inaccurate to suggest that their behavior is, in fact, completely private. Therefore, when analyzing modern economies, it is easy to distinguish between public and private sectors, but it is more difficult to distinguish between the two when analyzing the actions of those private sectors. For example, compensation by private businesses is affected by government wage and time laws, so wage and salary amounts are not set solely at the discretion of the private sector.
Significant government influence in the private sectors is a relatively recent phenomenon. In the United States, it began in earnest in the early 20th century, largely in response to what were perceived as the excesses of unbridled capitalism during the Industrial Revolution. The passage of legislation controlling child labor, regulation of the food and pharmaceutical industries, and the mandate of time and wage regulations have had a dramatic impact on private sector stocks. Modern legislation has updated these previous regulations, as well as imposing additional employer activities, such as specific actions for the protection of employee health and safety and monitoring of results.
Government influence in the private sector is viewed by some as beneficial because it is often geared toward achieving socially desirable goals, such as stable families and safe transportation. Indeed, some political models promote total government control over the entire economy, totally supplanting the private sector. Two of the most notable attempts to do so occurred in the 20th century in the Soviet Union and China, two major communist nations.
The Soviet Union, the first nation to attempt a global command economy, nationalized all businesses after its 1917 revolution. it grew under centralized control. After World War II, however, when industrialization was complete as a practice, economic decision-making was dominated by politicians and political ideology, rather than economic necessity, which led to a continued deterioration of the economy until the collapse of the government 1991.
The Chinese government’s strict control over its economy, which began when the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, was relaxed in 1978 in response to a stagnant command economy characterized by inefficiency and corruption. The government allowed the establishment of sole proprietorships and small businesses. The easing of restrictions continued, and in 2010 China’s economy expanded to a point 90 times larger than it did in 1977. While the government remained the dominant factor in some industries, such as heavy manufacturing and the ‘energy, has adopted many principles of capitalist management. The expansion of China’s private sector has been the driving force behind its economy’s unprecedented growth.
These experiments, which have impacted the lives of billions of people, have made it clear that a private sector is crucial to the success of an economy. An unregulated private sector, however, as was seen during America’s industrial revolution, is widely perceived to be harmful to people and ultimately to society as a whole. Historically, then, the most successful modern economies are those that have strong but regulated private sectors.