Skin chafing is caused by constant rubbing against an object, often exacerbated by perspiration and tight clothing. Loose, breathable clothing and powders can help prevent it. Symptoms include redness, soreness, and bleeding, and infected areas should be inspected by a doctor. Overweight individuals should wear loose-fitting clothing made from soft natural fabrics, while athletes should wear breathable synthetic fabrics. Anti-chafing products and petroleum jelly can also help.
When a patch of skin is constantly rubbing against something, it can become chafed or chafed. Skin chafing is generally most common in skin folds and can result in raw, painful skin patches. This problem is usually exacerbated by perspiration and tight clothing, and people who are very active or overweight are generally more likely to suffer from skin irritations. Loose, breathable clothing can also help prevent chafing. Areas prone to rubbing can be sprinkled with powder to absorb perspiration or covered with a thin layer of petroleum jelly to reduce friction.
The skin can become irritated when it is constantly rubbed against another object. This could be an item of clothing or even another piece of skin. Areas where two pieces of skin meet, such as skin folds, are usually more prone to skin chafing than other areas of the body. For example, the armpits, bikini line and area under the breasts are particularly prone to skin irritation.
One of the main symptoms of skin chafing is redness. The irritated skin is also usually very sore. In severe cases, the area may even bleed.
Irritated skin that begins to crack and bleed should be inspected by a doctor. These spots can easily get infected. In this case, topical or oral antibiotics may be needed. If antibacterial treatments don’t clear up the infection, it could be a fungus. In this case, an antifungal cream is usually needed.
Sweat usually makes skin chafing worse. This condition can also be aggravated by certain fabrics. Raw fabrics can rub your skin, for example, and people who are prone to chafing should avoid these types of fabrics.
Overweight individuals who have skin chafing problems should wear loose-fitting clothing made from soft natural fabrics. Cotton is usually recommended. Active people who have chafing issues, like athletes, are usually advised to stay away from natural fabrics like cotton, as they can hold moisture next to the skin. Instead, breathable synthetic fabrics are usually recommended.
Irritated skin should be kept clean and dry. Several anti-chafing products are also available. Many of these products are powders designed to absorb moisture into areas. Cornstarch, however, can be used as a natural anti-chafing treatment. Some doctors also recommend rubbing petroleum jelly on irritated skin, as it lubricates the area and helps eliminate friction.