Rigid insulation has a high R-value due to its density and materials used. It is more efficient than other insulation but can be more expensive. Higher R-values allow for less insulation to be used, but initial costs may be higher. Long-term savings in heating and cooling costs make up for the higher cost.
Rigid insulation is typically a hard foam material that is used to help regulate the temperature in buildings. The thermal resistance of this material, or effectiveness at keeping heat from passing through, is known as the R-value of rigid insulation. In general, the R-value of rigid insulation is higher than that of other materials used as insulation. This generally makes it a more efficient choice, although it can also increase the cost.
Insulation is designed to help keep buildings warmer in cold weather by keeping heat in and cooler in hot weather by keeping warm air out. The ability to reduce heat flow is typically represented by a positive number called an R-value. In general, the higher the R-value of insulation, the more the material prevents heat from moving from side to side.
One of the main factors affecting R-value is the density of the material. Many forms of insulation, such as fiberglass blankets and blown cellulose, are made from loosely woven or tightly packed fibers. Rigid insulation, on the other hand, usually consists of substances that can be fused together more compactly, increasing the density of a comparable single layer. This higher density is one of the main reasons why a rigid insulation R-value is often higher than that of many other forms of insulation. For example, on average, the R-values of rigid insulation are at least twice those of similarly sized fiberglass blankets and at least one-and-a-half times those of comparable amounts of blown cellulose.
Another factor that can affect the R-value of insulation is what substances are used to create it. Different types of rigid insulation can also have different R-values, depending on the base material used. For example, an R-value of polyiso rigid insulation is typically 30% to 40% higher than that of other types of rigid insulation. This is because the polyiso cells that make up the insulation have a special gas that is effective at reducing the added heat flow inside.
One of the main benefits of rigid insulation with higher R-values is that you can use less. For example, if a person wanted to have R-15 insulation in their attic, but had only limited space to add it, some polyiso rigid foam options might allow you to use as little as 2cm (5 inches) of insulation, compared to the typical 4 to 5 inches (10 to 12.5 cm) of fiberglass or cellulose insulation that would otherwise generally be required.
The main disadvantage is that with the higher R-value of rigid insulation usually results in higher initial purchase costs. Many experts report, however, that savings in heating and cooling costs over time typically offset this issue.